javascript Programming Glossary: shorter
Highlight row when the checkbox is true to use column templates . The feature will make your code shorter more readable and easy to maintain. What you need to do is the..
Can getElementsByClassName change style? [duplicate] i elems i .style.size '100px' If you prefer something shorter consider using jQuery '.myElement' .css 'size' '100px' share..
JavaScript validation issue with international characters
What is array literal notation in javascript and when should you use it?
event.preventDefault() vs. return false stopping event propagation For me return false is simpler shorter and probably less error prone than executing a method. With..
User recognition without cookies or local storage 1 1 Find matches foreach users as name profile Use shorter labels data array_combine labels profile data if perceptron..
Creating range in JavaScript - strange syntax the key value mappings. Phew so this might not have been shorter than the previous part. But there'll be cake when we finish..
Javascript: Setting window.location.href versus window.location You might set location directly because it's slightly shorter. If you're trying to be terse you can usually omit the window...
Create an empty object in JavaScript with {} or new Object()? empty objects they're technically the same. The syntax is shorter neater less Java ish and allows you to instantly populate the..
jQuery event that triggers after CSS is loaded? 5000 which isn't great because what if it takes longer shorter to load all the CSS on the page. Let me know if I need to clarify..
Fixing javascript Array functions in Internet Explorer (indexOf, forEach, etc) if it can be said to be copyrightable at all . It's a bit shorter than the MDC versions as it doesn't attempt to type sniff that..
IE/Chrome: are DOM tree elements global variables here? ambiguous. You can write a trivial wrapper function with a shorter name if you don't like the typing. Either way there's no point..
Calculate age in JavaScript the urge to take up the challenge and make an faster and shorter birthday calculator than the current accepted solution. The.. like this and runs ~65 faster than naveen's plus it's much shorter function calcAge dateString var birthday new Date dateString..
Using &&'s short-circuiting as an if statement? situations but can be abused in others. It's definitely shorter though which can be important to minimize Javascript load times...
How can I make event.srcElement work in Firefox and what does it mean? event.srcElement if target.onclick null shorter than getAttribute 'onclick' ... document.mainForm.submit Also..
Getting the closest string match simply require less substitutions because the string is shorter. The word weight is 1.0 while the phrase weight is only 0.5..
How to read GET data from a URL using JavaScript? used a regex based approach to URL parsing. It used a shorter function but the approach was flawed and I replaced it with..
What is this (IIFE) construct in javascript? function Immediately Invoked Function Expressions or shorter IIFE . It executes immediately after it's parsed created. It..
jquery checkbox checked state changed event jQuery object and using jQuery methods simply because it's shorter and faster to access the property of the DOM element directly...