javascript Programming Glossary: she
How to disable (View Source) and (Ctrl + C ) from my site sending to the client. In fact there are so many tools he she can use to reconstruct the page that any technique you will..
How do I “think in AngularJS” if I have a jQuery background? a new member of the development team comes on board she can look at this and then know that there is a directive called.. there is a directive called dropdownMenu operating on it she doesn't need to intuit the right answer or sift through any..
How does AJAX work? a star image near a message. If a user click the star he she likes the message star changes the color and my server update..
Access a JavaScript variable from PHP input form Then when the user clicks your submit button he she will be issuing a GET request to blah.php sending along the..
Django authentication and Ajax - URLs that require login users instead of getting redirected to a login page he she gets a popup window via JavaScript asking him her to log in.. part so no need for a user to use the back key if he she decides he she really doesn't like the website enough to waste.. need for a user to use the back key if he she decides he she really doesn't like the website enough to waste the time registering...
JavaScript: Check if mouse button down? With the test like this if mouseDown crikey isn't she a beauty If you want to know what button is pressed be prepared.. function if event.button aha we caught a feisty little sheila Of course you get nothing if she plays dead and not moving... caught a feisty little sheila Of course you get nothing if she plays dead and not moving. Relevant links MouseEvent's button..
What algorithm does Readability use for extracting text from URLs? If an author wants you to quickly get what is written he she uses navigational text i.e. few words like STOP Read this Click.. etc. If an author wants you to deeply understand what he she means he she uses many words. This way ambiguity is removed.. author wants you to deeply understand what he she means he she uses many words. This way ambiguity is removed at the cost of..
Copy selected text to the clipboard WITHOUT using flash - must be cross-browser has Flash disabled or has active x disabled then he or she probably is paranoid about security and doesn't want you messing.. in websites. It's best to not try to openly defy the wishes of the end user. Please refer to the following Stack Overflow..
Randomizing elements in an array? I've created a site for an artist friend of mine and she wants the layout to stay the same but she also wants new paintings.. of mine and she wants the layout to stay the same but she also wants new paintings she'd produced to be mixed into the.. layout to stay the same but she also wants new paintings she'd produced to be mixed into the current layout. So I have 12..
!function(){ }() vs (function(){ })() Where I've traditionally seen this same thing accomplished this way function ... window.jQuery window.ender The first.. function Irrelevant. jsFiddle . Toss in a leading and she works... jsFiddle . ...or a like the Twitter Bootstrap... jsFiddle..
How random is JavaScript's Math.random? me to tell me it may not be as random as I thought. She tried generating very large random numbers e.g. between 1 and..
After calling chrome.tabs.query, the results are not available rope call the callback function when you've got one. &emsp She Sure. throws rope &emsp You Jumps and grabs rope You manage.. as synchronous &emsp You Please throw a rope at me. &emsp She Sure. Let's have a look... &emsp You Jumps and attempts to grab.. grab rope Because there's no rope you fall and die. &emsp She Throws rope Too late of course. Now you've seen the difference..
PNG Transparency Problems in IE8 now dead ...notice the girl in the bottom right corner. She has artifacts around her in IE8 I haven't tested it in previous..
How to Logout of an Application Where I Used OAuth2 To Login With Google? this question Overview of OAuth Is the User Who He She Says He She is I'm not sure if you used OAuth to login to Stack.. Overview of OAuth Is the User Who He She Says He She is I'm not sure if you used OAuth to login to Stack Overflow..
Convert long/lat to pixel x/y on a given picure on a given picure I have a city map for example Moscow . She in accuracy repeats the contours the given city in google maps..