javascript Programming Glossary: shadowed
Javascript “OOP” and prototypes with multiple-level inheritance properties in the prototype chain but they are all shadowed by the instance property. Better Inheritance Also don't set..
Why does shadowed variable evaluate to undefined when defined in outside scope? does shadowed variable evaluate to undefined when defined in outside scope..
Is “remove” a reserved keyword in Google Chrome? and because it's a global function variable it is being shadowed by the .remove property now variable on the element itself...
What is the difference between Progressive Enhancement and Graceful Degradation? want to do awesome things like rounded corners via css shadowed text but please god not TOO much drop shadows see above parenthetical..
Difference between undefined and not being defined in Javascript a property with the same name the original method will be shadowed. For example var obj hasOwnProperty function evil code If you..
Are there still ECMAScript 3 implementation differences in major browsers? enumerable has the DontEnum attribute if the property is shadowed on other object it will stay as non enumerable for example var..
IE8 bug in for-in JavaScript statement? enumerable has the DontEnum attribute if the property is shadowed on other object it will stay as non enumerable for example var..
I'd like to understand the jQuery plugin syntax
garbage collection with node.js from so called context variables captured by a closure shadowed by a with statement or an eval invocation. Local variables live..
alert() not working in Chrome to window.alert the correct implementation is being shadowed i.e. when accessing alert it is first looking for it on the..
JavaScript: How to pass object by value? added to o will be available from obj if they're not shadowed and all objects that have o in the prototype chain will see..
Rails - Calling CoffeeScript from JavaScript or simply as myName unless the function's being shadowed by a local one . However to keep the global namespace as clean..