javascript Programming Glossary: routeprovider
using html5 pushstate on angular.js .slideDown app.js angular.module 'phoneapp' . config ' routeProvider' function routeProvider routeProvider. when ' phones' templateUrl.. 'phoneapp' . config ' routeProvider' function routeProvider routeProvider. when ' phones' templateUrl 'partials phone list.html'.. . config ' routeProvider' function routeProvider routeProvider. when ' phones' templateUrl 'partials phone list.html' controller..
angularjs - refresh when clicked on link with actual url refresh when clicked on link with actual url I use routeProvider to define controlers and templates for my urls. When I click.. set it to different value. Is there a way to configure routeProvider or locationProvider to do it automatically Or what is the right..
AngularJS - How to use $routeParams in generating the templateUrl? has 2 level navigating. We want to use AngularJS routeProvider to dynamically provide templates to an ng view . I was thinking.. along the lines of this angular.module 'myApp' . config ' routeProvider' function routeProvider routeProvider.when ' primaryNav secondaryNav'.. angular.module 'myApp' . config ' routeProvider' function routeProvider routeProvider.when ' primaryNav secondaryNav' templateUrl 'resources..
Error 401 handling with angularjs '' 'myApp.directives' function routeProvider locationProvider httpProvider var interceptor ' rootScope' '..
Delaying AngularJS route change until model loaded to prevent flicker angularjs routing share improve this question routeProvider resolve property allows delaying of route change until data.. 'phonecatServices' 'phonecatDirectives' . config ' routeProvider' function routeProvider routeProvider. when ' phones' templateUrl.. 'phonecatDirectives' . config ' routeProvider' function routeProvider routeProvider. when ' phones' templateUrl 'partials phone list.html'..
Angular.js delaying controller initialization deferred.promise var myApp angular.module 'myApp' function routeProvider routeProvider.when ' ' templateUrl ' editor tpl.html' controller.. var myApp angular.module 'myApp' function routeProvider routeProvider.when ' ' templateUrl ' editor tpl.html' controller MyCtrl resolve..
AngularJS - Complex nesting of partials and templates of what's in my app angular.module 'myApp' . config ' routeProvider' function routeProvider routeProvider. when job jobId zones.. angular.module 'myApp' . config ' routeProvider' function routeProvider routeProvider. when job jobId zones zoneId controller JobDetailController.. 'myApp' . config ' routeProvider' function routeProvider routeProvider. when job jobId zones zoneId controller JobDetailController..
Angular.js: Is .value() the proper way to set app wide constant and how to retrieve it in a controller like this angular.module app 'ui' .config routeProvider routeProvider routeProvider .when users templateUrl assets templates.. angular.module app 'ui' .config routeProvider routeProvider routeProvider .when users templateUrl assets templates users.. app 'ui' .config routeProvider routeProvider routeProvider .when users templateUrl assets templates users index.html controller..
AngularJS routing without '#' and there's one thing that really annoys me. I use routeProvider to declare routing rules for my application routeProvider.when.. routeProvider to declare routing rules for my application routeProvider.when ' test' controller TestCtrl templateUrl 'views test.html'..
Initialize AngularJS service with asynchronous data share improve this question Have you had a look at routeProvider.when ' path' resolve ... It can make the promise approach a.. Add resolve to your route config app.config function routeProvider routeProvider .when ' ' controller 'MainCtrl' template ' div.. to your route config app.config function routeProvider routeProvider .when ' ' controller 'MainCtrl' template ' div From MyService..