javascript Programming Glossary: revalidate
Prevent back button after logout to cache header Cache Control no cache no store must revalidate But this way I am loosing the advantage of Browser Caching...
Refresh image with a new one at the same url sees them HTTP 1.x 200 OK Cache Control no cache must revalidate Pragma no cache Transfer Encoding chunked Content Type image..
Improving Javascript Load Times - Concatenation vs Many + Cache A2629744 Header append Cache Control public proxy revalidate Header append Vary Accept Encoding FilesMatch Apache example..
disabling the browser cache in php or using javascript Y H i s . GMT header Cache Control no store no cache must revalidate max age 0 header Cache Control post check 0 pre check 0 false..
How to implement a chat room using Jquery/PHP? is connected. php header Cache Control no cache must revalidate header Expires Sun 5 Mar 2012 05 00 00 GMT flush DOCTYPE html..
How do I make Firefox reload page when back button is pressed? this... php header Cache Control no store no cache must revalidate max age 0 header Expires Sat 26 Jul 1997 05 00 00 GMT DOCTYPE.. code to... php header Cache Control no store no cache must revalidate max age 0 header Expires Sat 26 Jul 1997 05 00 00 GMT echo time.. updates php header Cache Control no store no cache must revalidate max age 0 header Expires Sat 26 Jul 1997 05 00 00 GMT echo time..
Twitter OAuth authentication in javascript Vary Accept Encoding Cache Control no cache no store must revalidate pre check 0 post check 0 proxy revalidate Content Length 44.. no store must revalidate pre check 0 post check 0 proxy revalidate Content Length 44 Proxy Connection Keep Alive Connection Keep..