javascript Programming Glossary: reusing
What is the Proper Way to Destroy a Map Instance? recommend creating a single instance of the map and reusing it in any scenario of this kind. They also talk about setting..
How can I mock dependencies for unit testing in RequireJS? you need to create new context for every suite to prevent reusing your mocks or to load mocks when you want the real requirejs..
BackboneJS Rendering Problems which are a pain in the ass to write since sometimes we're reusing a view and sometimes creating it anew. TL DR I'm having problems..
jQuery: wait for function to complete to continue processing? the callback function of the JSON request because I am reusing the functionality of GetResults several time throughout the..
Drawing rotated text on a HTML5 canvas Like others have mentioned you probably want to look at reusing an existing graphing solution but rotating text isn't too difficult...
How to decide when to use NodeJS? that node is also great for situations in which you'll be reusing a lot of code across the client server gap. The currently brand..
setInterval/setTimeout return value unlikely that they return the same value unless they are reusing values and one of the timers has already been cancelled Mozilla..