javascript Programming Glossary: resolution
CSS: Two column Div layout misaligns when Zoom changes the image irrepective of the zoom browser minimize desktop resolution. It should not go down. Result window in jsFiddle http
JavaScript. Solution to detect mobile browser [duplicate] is unreliable You could assume that any device that had a resolution of 800x600 or less was a mobile device too narrowing your target.. although these days many mobile devices have much greater resolutions than this i.e function detectmob if window.innerWidth 800 window.innerHeight..
jQuery Screen Resolution Height Adjustment increase the top margin of a DIV depending on the screen resolution. What is my best way to set these dimensions with jQuery or.. with jQuery or Javascript javascript jquery screen resolution margins share improve this question To get screen resolution.. margins share improve this question To get screen resolution in JS use screen object screen.height screen.width Based on..
Determining image file size + dimensions via Javascript? a web page I need to determine an image's file size kb and resolution within the browser context so I could for example display that..
How to detect the screen resolution with JavaScript? to detect the screen resolution with JavaScript Is there a way that works for all browsers.. there a way that works for all browsers javascript screen resolution share improve this question Yes... one link here window.screen.availHeight..
Is javascript guaranteed to be single-threaded? it's not so easy but you can do it by changing the screen resolution from a larger to a smaller one where the window doesn't fit..
Detecting the system DPI/PPI from JS/CSS? of unique app which needs to generate images at specific resolutions according to the device they are displayed on. So the output.. dpi ppi share improve this question There is the resolution CSS media query it allows you to limit CSS styles to specific.. media query it allows you to limit CSS styles to specific resolutions http TR css3 mediaqueries #resolution However it..
Center a popup window on screen? center of screen variable to the currently selected screen resolution javascript share improve this question try it like this..
Regex to get string between curly braces “{I want what's between the curly braces}” as I use them so infrequently. This year my new year's resolution is to not try and learn regex again So this year to save me.. be of assistance in helping to stick to my new year's resolution Related questions on Stack Overflow How can one turn regular..
Can you access screen display?™s DPI settings in a Javascript function? how small the pixels are. You can have the same 1024x768 resolution on both a 14 laptop screen and a 17 LCD monitor. The former..
JavaScript Variable Scope I was defined. alert foo Advanced prototype based scope resolution function Seven this.a 7 object loses to..
What advantages does using (function(window, document, undefined) { … })(window, document) confer? being accessed normally Generally to fasten the identifier resolution process having them as local variables can help although IMO..
Variable shadowing in JavaScript variables or properties that follow the same scope chain resolution rules as normal variables or properties . This explains why..
What is the difference between screenX/Y, clientX/Y and pageX/Y? increase or decrease the number of monitors or the monitor resolution. clientX and clientY Relative to the upper left edge of the..
Disable Interpolation when Scaling a <canvas> up images using nearest neighbor interpolation onto high resolution canvas surfaces in javascript or even pre scale images server..
HTML Alignment Issue in one machine only (both IE8) of the image is 214 X 57 Note Both systems are in same resolution and 100 zoom. DOCTYPE html PUBLIC W3C DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional..
jQuery Screen Resolution Height Adjustment Screen Resolution Height Adjustment In order to better balance out a page I am..
node.js shell command execution output in foo.stdout in the global variable scope . Final Resolution I'm accepting James White's answer but this is the exact code..
What are available solutions of a browser / mobile phone detection requestingDevice getCapability 'preferred_markup' li li Resolution Width php echo requestingDevice getCapability 'resolution_width'.. requestingDevice getCapability 'resolution_width' li li Resolution Height php echo requestingDevice getCapability 'resolution_height'..
Detect phone/tablet/web client using javascript there are no easy solution. Well I guess I should not use Resolution since nowadays some tablets have amazing resolutions. I should..
User recognition without cookies or local storage Geocoding Architecture OS Language System Time Screen Resolution etc. Network Information API Battery Status API The items I..
Javascript IE error: unexpected call to method or property access The Reference Type and 10.1.4 Scope Chain and Identifier Resolution . Still surprised IE is complaining about it though. It must..
If the “with” statement in Javascript creates a new scope, why does the following code not work as expected? (the closure doesn't contain the new “x” in new scope each time)
jQuery .css() function not returning expected values something Here's a jsfiddle http yAnFL 1 . Resolution Apparently this is the intended result. I have decided to use..
Microsecond timing in JavaScript millisecond resolution timing data to script the W3C High Resolution Timer aka . now is better than the traditional..