javascript Programming Glossary: res.render
Node.js with Handlebars.js on server and client access a route. For example app.get ' ' function req res res.render 'index' Will replace the body tag with the contents of index.hbs...
Sync JS time between multiple devices endings from template file app.get ' ' function req res res.render 'index.html' slide slide slides slides ' next' function..
How do I use Node.js clusters with my simple Express app? 'items' 0 50 function err items if err log err else res.render 'index' items items app.listen 8080 I also want to emphasize.. 50 CPU consumption on this dual core box . Let's replace res.render 'index' items items by res.send ' html lang en head title Example.. 'items' 0 50 function err items if err log err else res.render 'index' items items app.listen 8080 Now the result of the..
Accessing Express.js local variables in client side JavaScript template as follows var myMongoDbObject name 'stephen' res.render 'home' locals data myMongoDbObject Then inside of home.jade..
Rich app development with node.js module.exports app app.get index req res return res.render index app.get samplemodels req res SampleModel.find err models..
Node.js Error: Can't set headers after they are sent Express only res.clearCookie name options Express only res.render view options fn Express only res.partial view options Express..
Nodejs/Expressjs app structure var user client.query query function err results fields res.render 'index' title 'test' users results client.end And require.. function err results do stuff with your results res.render 'index' models users.js module.exports get_recent function..
How to access variables declared in main app.js in seperate route files in node.js Express 2.5.5? contains GET home page. exports.index function req res res.render 'index' title 'Express' by default after running express from..