javascript Programming Glossary: resig
Attach a body onload event with JS of that same blog. Dean Edwards Matthias Miller John Resig function init quit if this function has already been called..
Browser detection versus feature detection detection has been widely frowned upon since this post by Resig a couple of years ago. Resig's comments however were specific.. upon since this post by Resig a couple of years ago. Resig's comments however were specific to libraries framework code..
What does “use strict” do in JavaScript, and what is the reasoning behind it? question This article about that might interest you John Resig ECMAScript 5 Strict Mode JSON and More To quote some interesting.. it only for a specific function still quoting from John Resig's article Non strict code... function use strict Define your..
What's the difference between JavaScript and JScript? Just different names for what is really ECMAScript. John Resig has a good explanation . Here's the full version breakdown IE..
event.preventDefault() vs. return false does not stop the event from bubbling up . Source John Resig http www.mail jquery msg71371.html..
jQuery compiled with Google Closure Compiler closure compiler share improve this question John Resig reported a bug on recursive functions when he attempted to compile..
Serializing to JSON in jQuery JSON.parse json_text It was recently recommended by John Resig ...PLEASE start migrating your JSON using applications over..
Available iPhone Web Application JavaScript UI Library/Frameworks post 723711597 jqtouch and sencha touch Update John Resig recently announced that the jQuery team is working on a mobile..
When do items in HTML5 local storage expire? storage share improve this question According to John Resig it's not possible to specify expiration. It's completely up..
Elements order in a “for (??in ??” loop for loop share improve this question Quoting John Resig Currently all major browsers loop over the properties of an..
What is the max size of localStorage values? programmatic interfaces. And also quoting fron a John Resig article posted January 2007 Storage Space It is implied that..
JavaScript unit test tools for TDD yet No history of previous test results TestSwarm John Resig jQuery has created a tool for distributed JavaScript testing.. TestSwarm above QUnit was originally developed by John Resig as part of jQuery. In 2008 it got its own home name and API..
How to get around the jslint error 'Don't make functions within a loop.' implementation above is inspired by this blog post by John Resig. But we also have other instances of functions created within..
Is JavaScript 's “new” Keyword Considered Harmful? [closed] into each target function without modification. John Resig goes into detail on this technique in his Simple Class Instantiation..
javascript:how to write $(document).ready like event without jquery bindReady and DOMContentLoaded Copyright 2010 John Resig Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses. http..
.prop() vs .attr() same as its old behaviour for Boolean attributes . John Resig also blogged about it . I can see the difficulty they were in..
Keyboard shortcuts with jQuery question Since this question was originally asked John Resig the primary author of jQuery has forked and improved the js..
How do you clone an Array of Objects in Javascript a question on StackOverflow answered by the very same John Resig and he pointed out that with jQuery you could do var clonedNodesArray..
How does JavaScript handle AJAX responses in the background? Opera developer How Javascript Timers Work written by John Resig Events and Timing in Depth W3 spec HTML5 event loops MDN article..