javascript Programming Glossary: response.writehead
Understanding Asynchronous Code in Layman's terms ' input type submit value Submit text ' ' body ' ' html ' response.writeHead 200 Content Type text html response.write body response.end..
Get and Set a Single Cookie with Node.js HTTP Server require 'http' http.createServer function request response response.writeHead 200 'Content Type' 'text plain' response.end 'Hello World n'.. Cookie var cookies parseCookies request To Write a Cookie response.writeHead 200 'Set Cookie' 'mycookie test' 'Content Type' 'text plain'..
What is the difference between dnode and nowjs? fs.readFile __dirname ' now client.html' function err data response.writeHead 200 'Content Type' 'text html' response.write data response.end..
error handling in asynchronous node.js calls response else throw new Error 404 not found catch e response.writeHead 500 'Content Type' 'text plain' response.end Server error e.message..
Basic Ajax send/receive with node.js choices.length console.log string ' string ' chosen response.writeHead 200 Content Type text plain response.end string console.log.. if err write an error response or nothing here return response.writeHead 200 'Content Type' 'text html' response.end file utf 8 .listen..