javascript Programming Glossary: mysql_fetch_array
First drop down menu to auto change the options of a second dropdown SELECT FROM `contents` WHERE `parent` 0 while data mysql_fetch_array result false echo ' option value ' data 'id' ' ' data 'name'.. `parent` . mysql_real_escape_string _GET parent while data mysql_fetch_array result false echo ' option value ' data 'id' ' ' data 'name'..
Populate another select dropdown from database based on dropdown selection option printing the list box select command while catinfo mysql_fetch_array result Array or records stored in nt echo option value .htmlspecialchars.. option printing the list box select command while catinfo mysql_fetch_array result Array or records stored in nt echo option value .htmlspecialchars..
Auto fill text box depending on Drop Down value name 'Schlungen1' option value default option while row mysql_fetch_array result echo option value ' . row 'Schlungen' . ' . row 'Schlungen'.. name 'Schlungen2' option value default option while row mysql_fetch_array result echo option value ' . row 'Schlungen' . ' . row 'Schlungen'.. name 'Schlungen3' option value default option while row mysql_fetch_array result echo option value ' . row 'Schlungen' . ' . row 'Schlungen'..
How can i populate a dropdown list by selecting the value from another dropdown list? style 'cursor pointer cursor hand ' while row mysql_fetch_array result dropdown . r n option value ' row '@value' ' row '@value'.. style 'cursor pointer cursor hand ' while row mysql_fetch_array result dropdown . r n option value ' row '@value2' ' row '@value2'..
How to pass a PHP variable to Javascript? curmemid result mysql_query strFind or die mysql_error row mysql_fetch_array result room row 'chatroomid' to this Javascript on another page..
echo'd PHP encode JSON called via AJAX returns what exactly? and send it back in JSON format jsondata array while Row mysql_fetch_array params jsondata array 'cat_id' Row cat_id 'category' Row category..
AJAX POST handler causing “uncaught exception” WHERE category ' category' result mysql_query query row mysql_fetch_array result MYSQL_ASSOC oldAmountLeft row amount_left update the.. category ' category' result mysql_query query while row mysql_fetch_array result MYSQL_ASSOC d convertDateReverse row date what row what..
Can javascript running inside an iframe affect the main page? of it in the same manner and it works fine. php while row mysql_fetch_array result p p.' div id left img src http
javascript - pass selected value from popup window to parent window input box Pack Config th th SU th th Points th tr php while rows mysql_fetch_array resultsku tr td input name details size 5 value php echo rows.. Pack Config th th SU th th Points th tr php while rows mysql_fetch_array result tr td input name details size 5 value php echo rows..