javascript Programming Glossary: mysql_error
Insert Backbone.js model into MySQL database boxes id x y w h VALUES ' id' ' x' ' y' ' w' ' h' or die mysql_error echo Data Inserted I have tried reading many tutorials but I.. INTO boxes id x y w h VALUES '' ' x' ' y' ' w' ' h' or die mysql_error In this way one row will be inserted in the table boxes with..
How can i populate a dropdown list by selecting the value from another dropdown list? @value state from @tablename result mysql_query qry or die mysql_error dropdown select name '@valuename' id 'officeItemList' style.. city from @tablename where result mysql_query qry or die mysql_error dropdown select name '@value2' id 'officeItemList' style 'cursor..
update data in the div server login pword or die connect_error or die mysql_error mysql_select_db dbname or die connect_error Get value posted.. result mysql_query query or die 'Fn test86.php ERROR ' . mysql_error num_rows_returned mysql_num_rows result die 'Query returned..
Javascript and PHP functions 146687 password if con die 'Could not connect ' . mysql_error sql INSERT INTO orders user 1st row 2nd row 3rd row 4th row.. echo There was an error adding your order to the databse . mysql_error Thats the function I am wanting to call. Its an ordering system..
How to pass a PHP variable to Javascript? WHERE userid curmemid result mysql_query strFind or die mysql_error row mysql_fetch_array result room row 'chatroomid' to this Javascript..
Calling javascript function with php code localhost root mysql_select_db encryption or die mysql_error userId _POST 'userId' if _SERVER 'REQUEST_METHOD' 'POST' _POST..
Jquery ajax call from javascript to PHP 'root' 'mmowebdb' if dbco die 'Could not connect ' . mysql_error mysql_select_db pagelinks dbco sql DELETE FROM dtree_table WHERE.. 'root' 'mmowebdb' if dbco die 'Could not connect ' . mysql_error mysql_select_db pagelinks dbco sql '' switch option case 'delete'..
Pass variable value from JS to PHP INSERT INTO List Username VALUES ' username' or die mysql_error if isset _POST 'Username' insert _POST 'Username' Thank you..
javascript - pass selected value from popup window to parent window input box 'dbuser' 'dbpass' if con die 'Could not connect ' . mysql_error mysql_select_db databasename con skusql select packcode category.. 'dbpass' if con die 'Could not connect to server ' . mysql_error db mysql_select_db dbname con if db die 'Could not connect.. dbname con if db die 'Could not connect to DB ' . mysql_error sql select packcode category description grouping packconfig..