javascript Programming Glossary: log.apply
Creating range in JavaScript - strange syntax special variable function log console.log arguments log.apply null 'mary' 'had' 'a' 'little' 'lamb' mary had a little lamb.. is a pseudo array itself so we can use it as well function log.apply null arguments 'mary' 'had' 'a' 'little' 'lamb' mary had a little.. the one returned from DOM methods is also a pseudo array log.apply null document.getElementsByTagName 'script' script script script..
Does IE9 support console.log, and is it a real function? 9 Even when window.console.log is defined window.console.log.apply and are undefined. Why is this Related.. var log console.log console log.apply console this is a test thisisatest share improve this answer..
console.log.apply not working in IE9 not working in IE9 Looks like I've re invented the wheel but.. window.console log function do something console.log.apply console arguments Related Apply question for javascript F12.. var log console.log console log.apply console this is a test thisisatest So you could fix up all the..
Intercept calls to console.log in Chrome console.log function this 'My Console ' log.apply this arguments share improve this..
Chrome doesn't recognize console.log when it's called log However if you force the appropriate context thusly log.apply console 'pancakes' then you'll get your pancakes in the console... A better implementation would be this window.log console.log.apply console arguments or to be pedantic since arguments isn't an.. to a real array in the usual way window.log console.log.apply console Array arguments That should work the same..