

javascript Programming Glossary: location.reload

Javascript reload the page with hash value


share improve this question window.location.href #mypara location.reload First add the hash then reload the page. The hash will remain..

Trying so hard to Link to tabbed content from an external link [closed]


a' .offset .top function 'a.refresh' .live click function location.reload script This is my abbreviated HTML div class Centered id TextContent..

Javascript hard refresh of current page


window.location share improve this question Try to use location.reload true When this method receives a true value as argument it will..

Preferred method to reload page with JavaScript? [closed]


history.go 0 2 input type button value Reload onClick location.reload true 3 input type button value Reload onClick window.location.reload.. true 3 input type button value Reload onClick window.location.reload true 4 input type button value Reload onClick window.location.href.. 5 input type button value Reload onClick document.location.reload true 6 input type button value Reload onClick document.location.href..

iPad doesn't trigger resize event going from vertical to horizontal?


1 var is_ipad agent.indexOf 'ipad' 1 if is_iphone is_ipad location.reload true else Do stuff. javascript iphone ipad resize web applications..

How do I escape an ampersand in a javascript string so that the page will validate strict?


dataString function data if data 'Login Succeeded.' location.reload true else input#email .focus #login_msg .html data .effect pulsate..

How do I make Firefox reload page when back button is pressed?


refreshed if e.value no e.value yes else e.value no location.reload script ... all to no avail. What am I missing here Pages are..

get user timezone [duplicate]


data 'time ' visitortimezone success function location.reload script You may or may not have noticed but you need to change..

Programatically disable window.location.reload?


disable window.location.reload Is there a way to override default behavior of window.location.reload.. Is there a way to override default behavior of window.location.reload making it a no op for debugging purposes javascript share.. this question The problem is that for some reason location.reload effectively is not a writable property in Firefox and Chrome...

Auto refresh in ASP.NET MVC


JavaScript function timedRefresh timeoutPeriod setTimeout location.reload true timeoutPeriod script body onload JavaScript timedRefresh.. function timedRefresh timeoutPeriod setTimeout function location.reload true timeoutPeriod script body onload JavaScript timedRefresh..

How can I refresh a page with jQuery?


share improve this question '#something' .click function location.reload Like mplungjan explained in the comment below the reload function..

window.location.reload with clear cache


with clear cache I want to reload a page using javascript but.. which tells it to do a hard reload ie ignoring the cache location.reload true I can't vouch for its reliability you may want to investigate..