

javascript Programming Glossary: location.href

Add to favorites button


Bookmark window.sidebar.addPanel document.title window.location.href '' else if window.external 'AddFavorite' in window.external.. window.external IE Favorite window.external.AddFavorite location.href document.title else if window.opera window.print Opera Hotlist..

Browser/HTML Force download of image from src=“data:image/jpeg;base64…”


'data application octet stream' window.open url Or perhaps location.href url Or even setting the location of an iframe element Another.. var url window.webkitURL window.URL .createObjectURL blob location.href url Download Relevant documentation atob Typed arrays URL.createObjectURL..

Javascript for “Add to Home Screen” on iPhone?


menu Something similar to IE's window.external.AddFavorite location.href document.title possibly javascript iphone mobile safari bookmarks..

How can I simulate a click to an anchor tag?


browser specific code as much as possible. I can't use location.href anchorObj.href because it doesn't handle target attribute. I..

How can I detect an address bar change with JavaScript?


periodically using setTimeout interval var oldLocation location.href setInterval function if location.href oldLocation do your action.. var oldLocation location.href setInterval function if location.href oldLocation do your action oldLocation location.href 1000 check..

Javascript: Setting window.location.href versus window.location


Setting window.location.href versus window.location When would you set window.location to.. set window.location to a URL string versus setting window.location.href window.location http www.stackoverflow.com vs window.location.href.. window.location http www.stackoverflow.com vs window.location.href http www.stackoverflow.com Reference https developer.mozilla.org..

Cross-browser bookmark/add to favorites javascript [duplicate]


Mozilla Firefox Bookmark window.sidebar.addPanel location.href document.title else if window.external IE Favorite window.external.AddFavorite.. if window.external IE Favorite window.external.AddFavorite location.href document.title else if window.opera window.print Opera Hotlist..

NSString in UIWebview


Parse URL with Javascript [duplicate]


parse the url of the page. For example the current page is location.href. So the main page of my blog if I use alert location.href it.. location.href. So the main page of my blog if I use alert location.href it will return œhttp diaryofthedead.co.cc in an alert box. If.. œhttp diaryofthedead.co.cc in an alert box. If I use alert location.href on page two of my blog it will return œhttp diaryofthedead.co.cc..

How can I make a redirect page in jQuery/JavaScript?


simulate an HTTP redirect. It is better than using window.location.href because replace does not put the originating page in the session.. If you want to simulate someone clicking on a link use location.href . If you want to simulate an HTTP redirect use location.replace..

Using PUT/POST/DELETE with JSONP and jQuery


redirect two ways Using client side script like Script location.href 'some url' script Using HTTP Header. See http www.webconfs.com.. have the server write as a response the following script location.href http samedomain.com HTML page callback myAsyncJSONPCallback..

create a file using javascript in chrome on client side


writeend function navigate to file will download location.href fileEntry.toURL false fileWriter.write blob function function..