

javascript Programming Glossary: loadcomplete

jqGrid sorting on client side


work I needed to call reloadGrid after the grid was loaded loadComplete function jQuery #myGridID .trigger reloadGrid Call to fix client..

Set class or identifier on jqGrid row based on a key/value pair placed in row (like ID)


of the code could be about following '#list' .jqGrid ... loadComplete function var ids this .jqGrid getDataIDs l ids.length i rowid..

Asynchronous cross-domain POST request via JavaScript?


target 'RS' method 'POST' ... form script block var loadComplete 0 function loaded avoid first onload if loadComplete 0 loadComplete.. var loadComplete 0 function loaded avoid first onload if loadComplete 0 loadComplete 1 return alert form has loaded share improve..

JQGrid: Dynamically set a cell to uneditable based on content


can be not yet built till the end. I recommend you to use loadComplete or gridComplete to examine the grid contain of the current page..

How to make cell editable dynamically in jqGrid


datatype local ... cellEdit true cellsubmit 'clientArray' loadComplete function changeEditableByContain grid 'name' 'test' true #doEditable..

jqGrid: change background color of row based on row cell value by column name


button in actions column also. I'm usijng code below in loadComplete. How to implement this using rowattr var LoadCompleteHandler.. To change the background color you can follow the example loadComplete function tr.jqgrow odd .addClass 'myAltRowClass' from the answer.. following very close to the code from the another answer loadComplete function var iCol getColumnIndexByName this 'closed' cRows this.rows.length..

something similar to treegrid in jqGrid


programmers ' ' a ' # subgrid_id .append html loadComplete function var pos 0 var envPos 0 var envHalt 0 .each myJson.response.. values Updated particular row's color does not change loadComplete function var i names this.p.groupingView.sortnames 0 l names.length.. envVariable group you can do this in the following way loadComplete function var i names this.p.groupingView.sortnames 0 l names.length..

Is it possible to bind multiple event handlers to JqGrid events without overwriting previous ones?


default settings on every page load and bind a function to loadComplete to do some basic formatting for my grids. On some pages I have.. I would like to execute at the same time but if I set loadComplete in the grid definition it will overwrite the function set in.. that in the way you can implement only one more additional loadCompleteEx handler. What I would suggest you is the usage of jQuery.trigger..

jqgrid server side error message/validation handling


the name datatype 'json' ... some other typical parameters loadComplete function alert OK loadError function jqXHR textStatus errorThrown.. the code to your purpose. The code you can find below loadComplete function remove error div if exist '#' this.id '_err' .remove..

JQGrid Custom Sorting


ids i Remove ' div ' .append removeButton .html loadComplete function data onSortCol function index iCol sortorder javascript..

Bring selected rows to the top from the Jqgrid


typeof item.cb undefined item.cb true else item.cb item.cb loadComplete function var p this.p data p.data item this this index p._index..

jqGrid with an editable checkbox column


example code to get you started. You can add this to the loadComplete event Assuming check box is your only input field jQuery .jqgrow..