javascript Programming Glossary: google.maps.point
How to offset the center point in Google maps api V3 .fromLatLngToPoint latlng var pixelOffset new google.maps.Point offsetx scale 0 offsety scale 0 var worldCoordinateNewCenter.. scale 0 offsety scale 0 var worldCoordinateNewCenter new google.maps.Point worldCoordinateCenter.x pixelOffset.x worldCoordinateCenter.y..
Google Maps API v3 marker with label draggable true map map labelContent 425K labelAnchor new google.maps.Point 22 0 labelClass labels the CSS class for the label labelStyle.. above the marker pushpin with an anchor point like new google.maps.Point 22 50 . In case access to the links above are blocked I copied..
Google Map API v3 ??set bounds and center 'images beachflag.png' new google.maps.Size 20 32 new google.maps.Point 0 0 new google.maps.Point 0 32 var shadow new google.maps.MarkerImage.. new google.maps.Size 20 32 new google.maps.Point 0 0 new google.maps.Point 0 32 var shadow new google.maps.MarkerImage 'images beachflag_shadow.png'.. beachflag_shadow.png' new google.maps.Size 37 32 new google.maps.Point 0 0 new google.maps.Point 0 32 var lat map.getCenter .lat var..
Calculate bounds from center and zoom (Google Maps API v3) new google.maps.LatLngBounds p.fromPointToLatLng new google.maps.Point cpx.x dw cpx.y dh p.fromPointToLatLng new google.maps.Point..
Tips for Upgrading Gmaps v2 to v3 more quickly [closed] google.maps.LatLngBounds GlatLng google.maps.LatLng GPoint google.maps.Point Event.addListener google.maps.event.addListener map.getInfoWindow..
Multiple Google Maps infowindow 14 26 The origin for this image is 0 0. new google.maps.Point 0 0 The anchor for this image is the base of the flagpole at.. for this image is the base of the flagpole at 0 32. new google.maps.Point 0 32 for var i 0 i locations.length i var office locations i..
Change individual markers in google maps directions api V3 height new google.maps.Size 44 32 The origin point x y new google.maps.Point 0 0 The anchor point x y new google.maps.Point 22 32 end new.. x y new google.maps.Point 0 0 The anchor point x y new google.maps.Point 22 32 end new google.maps.MarkerImage URL 'end.png' width height.. height new google.maps.Size 44 32 The origin point x y new google.maps.Point 0 0 The anchor point x y new google.maps.Point 22 32 service.route..
google maps marker as link api v3 new google.maps.Size 59 32 var punkt_startowy new google.maps.Point 0 0 var punkt_zaczepienia new google.maps.Point 16 16 ikonki.. new google.maps.Point 0 0 var punkt_zaczepienia new google.maps.Point 16 16 ikonki var ikona1 new google.maps.MarkerImage markers.. new google.maps.Size 59 32 var punkt_startowy new google.maps.Point 0 0 var punkt_zaczepienia new google.maps.Point 16 16 ikonki..