javascript Programming Glossary: expires
I have to refresh the page for my Greasemonkey script to run? exdate.getDate exdays var c_value escape value exdays null expires exdate.toUTCString document.cookie c_name c_value function getCookie..
Clearing all cookies with JavaScript
javascript - delete cookie document.cookie name path path path domain domain domain expires Thu 01 Jan 1970 00 00 01 GMT or function del_cookie name document.cookie..
When do items in HTML5 local storage expire? as a part of Dom Storage HTML 5 available Can i set expires time for data which i puts to localStorage javascript html5..
What is the “best” way to get and set a single cookie value using JavaScript new Date date.setTime date.getTime days 24 60 60 1000 var expires expires date.toGMTString else var expires document.cookie name.. date.setTime date.getTime days 24 60 60 1000 var expires expires date.toGMTString else var expires document.cookie name value.. 60 60 1000 var expires expires date.toGMTString else var expires document.cookie name value expires path function readCookie..
How do I create and read a value from cookie? new Date date.setTime date.getTime days 24 60 60 1000 var expires expires date.toGMTString else var expires document.cookie name.. date.setTime date.getTime days 24 60 60 1000 var expires expires date.toGMTString else var expires document.cookie name value.. 60 60 1000 var expires expires date.toGMTString else var expires document.cookie name value expires path function getCookie c_name..
Should Github be used as a CDN for javascript libraries? [closed] GitHub doesn't serve its raw files with a far future expires header. Without the possibility of cross site caching you lose..
How can I delete all cookies with JavaScript? 0 My Sample Code document.cookie 'ppkcookie2 another test expires Fri 3 Aug 2001 20 47 11 UTC path ' function createCookie name.. new Date date.setTime date.getTime days 24 60 60 1000 var expires expires date.toGMTString else var expires document.cookie name.. date.setTime date.getTime days 24 60 60 1000 var expires expires date.toGMTString else var expires document.cookie name value..
Detecting idle time in JavaScript elegantly that handles mousemove and keypress events. If the time expires the page reload. script type text javascript idleTime 0 document..
Refresh image with a new one at the same url no cache Transfer Encoding chunked Content Type image jpeg Expires Fri 30 Oct 1998 14 19 41 GMT Server Microsoft HTTPAPI 1.0 Date..
Is Safari on iOS 6 caching $.ajax results? is to set Cache Control no cache . So No Cache Control or Expires headers iOS6 Safari will cache Cache Control max age 0 and an.. Safari will cache Cache Control max age 0 and an immediate Expires iOS6 Safari will cache Cache Control no cache iOS6 Safari will.. unless the response includes appropriate Cache Control or Expires header fields. However the 303 See Other response can be used..
Determining a page is outdated on github pages aggressive cache headers Cache Control max age 86400 1 day Expires 1 month ahead on all served content. If you update your pages.. Content Type text cache manifest Cache Control max age 0 Expires CURRENT TIME so your browser knows that it's a cache manifest..
Replacing from javascript dom text node a regular space character My div looks like this... div b Expires On b Sep 30 2009 06 30 nbsp AM div The following suggestions..
Optimizations to reduce website loading time HTTP Requests Use a Content Delivery Network Add an Expires or a Cache Control Header Gzip Components Put StyleSheets at..
disabling the browser cache in php or using javascript use many if not all of the following settings php header Expires Tue 01 Jan 2000 00 00 00 GMT header Last Modified . gmdate D..
How to implement a chat room using Jquery/PHP? php header Cache Control no cache must revalidate header Expires Sun 5 Mar 2012 05 00 00 GMT flush DOCTYPE html PUBLIC W3C DTD..
How do I make Firefox reload page when back button is pressed? meta http equiv Pragma content no cache meta http equiv Expires content 1 meta http equiv Expires content Sat 1 Jan 2000 00.. no cache meta http equiv Expires content 1 meta http equiv Expires content Sat 1 Jan 2000 00 00 00 GMT ...and I have also tried.. Control no store no cache must revalidate max age 0 header Expires Sat 26 Jul 1997 05 00 00 GMT DOCTYPE html PUBLIC W3C DTD XHTML..
Twitter OAuth authentication in javascript text html charset utf 8 Pragma no cache X Revision DEV Expires Tue 31 Mar 1981 05 00 00 GMT X MID ffc990286a86b688f1e72ef733365926ea30ca62..
jQuery Table to CSV export filename export.csv header Pragma no cache header Expires 0 print _REQUEST 'exportdata' Update A more IE7 friendly version..
Browser Caching in ASP.NET application css and js on another server such as a CDN which has the Expires header set properly. The advantage of this is two fold The expires..