javascript Programming Glossary: expire
How do you cache an image in Javascript possible to set when the cached version of the image will expire It would be much appreciated if an example and or a link to.. in any other page as long as the image is used before it expires from the browser cache. So to precache images all you have..
Encrypt in Javascript, decrypt in PHP, using public-key cryptography PHP side a temporary private key will be generated it will expire after a short time . The caller in Javascript is responsible.. is responsible for asking for a new public key when it expires. The reason for private key expiration is to prevent logged..
What Options Are There for Cross-Browser Compatible Audio? years from now when Mozilla adopts it after the patents expire . Use canPlayType which indicates if a given format is supported..
A proper approach to FB auth N requests every X hours check only when token is going to expire in Y hours if we alternatively check for user's status from..
When do items in HTML5 local storage expire? do items in HTML5 local storage expire How many days data stored in localStorage as a part of Dom.. as a part of Dom Storage HTML 5 available Can i set expires time for data which i puts to localStorage javascript html5..
Javascript Cookie script is like follows function setCookie c_name c_value c_expiredays var exdate new Date exdate.setDate exdate.getDate c_expiredays.. var exdate new Date exdate.setDate exdate.getDate c_expiredays document.cookie c_name escape c_value c_expiredays null.. c_expiredays document.cookie c_name escape c_value c_expiredays null expires exdate.toGMTString setCookie 'gs_cookie' 'firstme'..
Best way to ask confirmation from user before leaving the page [closed] ish. If they don't come back and their cookie session expire that's their fault. You can only lead a horse to water. It's..
How to set a cookie to expire in 1 hour in Javascript? to set a cookie to expire in 1 hour in Javascript How to set this cookie to expire in.. expire in 1 hour in Javascript How to set this cookie to expire in one hour from the current time document.cookie 'username.. from the current time document.cookie 'username ' value 'expires ' WHAT GOES HERE 'path ' javascript share improve this question..
Is My Page Being Loaded from the Browser Cache?
How does Gmail's periodic mail fetching work? make a couple of modifications because most browsers will expire an ajax request if it does not return after a long time so if..
Set cookie wih JS, read with PHP problem cookieName cookieValue nDays var today new Date var expire new Date if nDays null nDays 0 nDays 1 expire.setTime today.getTime.. new Date var expire new Date if nDays null nDays 0 nDays 1 expire.setTime today.getTime 3600000 24 nDays document.cookie cookieName.. 24 nDays document.cookie cookieName escape cookieValue expires expire.toGMTString and in another page it can not be accessed..
Javascript Cookie with no expiration date date I would like to set up a cookie that never expires. Would that even be possible document.cookie name value expires.. Would that even be possible document.cookie name value expires date path path domain domain secure I don't want to make the.. large I am just wondering if there was a value for the expires parameter on the cookie that told it never to expire. Thanks...
Make a cookie expire in 30 seconds a cookie expire in 30 seconds Could someone update the following code to make.. Could someone update the following code to make the cookie expire in 30 seconds. function setCookie c_name value exdays var exdate.. exdate.getDate exdays var c_value escape value exdays null expires exdate.toUTCString document.cookie c_name c_value javascript..
Can you get a public Facebook page's feed using Graph API without asking a user to allow? somewhere that a Facebook app access token doesn't ever expire or change unless I manually reset the secret. Is this true Would..
Disable browser's back button similar to this one ... You need to force the cache to expire for this to work. Place the following code on your page code..
How persistent is localStorage? the localStorage is. From the specs User agents should expire data from the local storage areas only for security reasons..