javascript Programming Glossary: existent
ReferenceError and the global object results. Reference Error Represents an error when a non existent variable is referenced. A ReferenceError is thrown when trying..
How do I measure the strength of a password? information to attackers. A failed login due to a non existent user should return the same message as a failed login due to..
How can I merge properties of two JavaScript objects dynamically? obj1's values with obj2's and adds obj2's if non existent in obj1 @param obj1 @param obj2 @returns obj3 a new object based..
Creating range in JavaScript - strange syntax these keys . And what happens when you try to access a non existent property You get undefined . Now we can lift our heads a little..
Pagination problem in jqgrid with array data of jqGrid following parameters which are either non existent like pagination or have no sense in the context like loadonce..
What anti-patterns exist for JavaScript? [closed] and joining it is much more efficient Referring to the non existent undefined constant Design Deployment Generally not providing..
http basic authentication “log out” the service. This works in Browsers by sending another non existent Username without a password. The Browser loses the information..
CoffeeScript & Global Variables on window or on the exports object in CommonJS. The existential operator covered below gives you a reliable way to figure.. whether exports is defined since trying to reference a non existent variable in JavaScript would otherwise yield an SyntaxError..
flot graph, use legend to turn on/off series not show up because flot will not plot the labels of non existent lines. This means that you will have to do as the demo does..
Why is there a `null` value in JavaScript? fewer arguments than it declares when you access a non existent object property. 'null' would certainly have worked just as..
Preferred way of modifying elements that have yet to be created (besides events) lot of questions about binding future manipulations to non existent elements that all end up answered with live delegate . I am..
Can search engine spiders see content I add using jQuery? Google Groups about how the GoogleBot came to follow a non existent URL. The actual URL was contained within the jQuery code itself..
Listening for Youtube Event in JavaScript or jQuery the demo http YzvXa 197 To bind functions to existent frames you have to pass an ID reference to the frame. In your..
Alternatives to JavaScript bugs and security holes for the novice. Do you know of any existent or planned initiative to introduce a better redesigned language..
Javascript Closures exists. Note that the variable x is only active alive existent when control of the program flows from the start of the f function..