

javascript Programming Glossary: elem.id

How to know what elements are in current mouse position?


jqgrid incorrect select drop down option values in edit box


removeAllOption function elem if typeof elem object typeof elem.id string elem.id.substr 0 3 gs_ in the searching bar elem .find.. function elem if typeof elem object typeof elem.id string elem.id.substr 0 3 gs_ in the searching bar elem .find 'option value..

Get element's CSS Selector (without element id)


0 function addCssToElement elem cssText var domId if elem.id domId elem.id else domId uniquePrefix counterIndex elem.id domId.. addCssToElement elem cssText var domId if elem.id domId elem.id else domId uniquePrefix counterIndex elem.id domId document.styleSheets.. elem.id domId elem.id else domId uniquePrefix counterIndex elem.id domId document.styleSheets 0 .insertRule # domId cssText The..

Simulating a tab keypress using JavaScript


for var i 0 i fields.length i if fields i .id elem.id for i i 1 i fields.length i if fields i .type 'hidden' fields..

Listening for Youtube Event in JavaScript or jQuery


i .src break elem elems i The only or the best iFrame if elem.id return elem.id Existing ID return it else Create a new ID do.. elem elems i The only or the best iFrame if elem.id return elem.id Existing ID return it else Create a new ID do Keep postfixing.. the ID is unique id frame while document.getElementById id elem.id id return id If no element return null. return null Define..

Inserting HTML elements with JavaScript


using the following syntax elem document.createElement div elem.id 'myID' elem.innerHTML ' my Text ' document.body.insertBefore..

YouTube API not working with iPad / iPhone / non-Flash device


i .src break elem elems i The only or the best iFrame if elem.id return elem.id Existing ID return it else Create a new ID do.. elem elems i The only or the best iFrame if elem.id return elem.id Existing ID return it else Create a new ID do Keep postfixing.. the ID is unique id frame while document.getElementById id elem.id id return id If no element return null. return null Define..

Deploying a Google Chrome extension; Adobe Flash Player has stopped a potentially unsafe operation


i .src break elem elems i The only or the best iFrame if elem.id return elem.id Existing ID return it else Create a new ID do.. elem elems i The only or the best iFrame if elem.id return elem.id Existing ID return it else Create a new ID do Keep postfixing.. the ID is unique id frame while document.getElementById id elem.id id return id If no element return null. return null Define..