

javascript Programming Glossary: elegance

How can I determine a timezone by the UTC offset?


code to my eyeballs. Is there a better way to do this More elegance would be good and more accuracy would be better still. Update..

Find the longest common starting substring in a set of strings


solutions. I have a feeling they might be solved with more elegance and less execution complexity ”that's why I'm posting this challenge... greed by FM takes a minute or two to grasp but then the elegance of it hits you. Yehuda Katz also made a regex solution but it's..

Why is window not identical to window.self in Internet Explorer?


by Netscape there was very little consideration for elegance resulting in this and many other interfaces where there is too..

Javascript engine with good interoperability with JVM and CLR


to call JVM CLR libraries from Javascript similar to the elegance of the IronPython CLR and Jython JVM link The alternative is..

Most appropriate way to get this: $($(“.answer”)[0])


0 I can do the above but what is the best balance between elegance and speed changed the question to reflect the current discussion..

best way of checking for vowels in javascript


otherwise stick with the regular expression for reasons of elegance If you want to go for simplicity then just use function isVowel..