

javascript Programming Glossary: el.currentstyle

Get computed font size for DOM element in JS


w g function str letter return letter.toUpperCase if el.currentStyle return el.currentStyle camelize styleProp else if document.defaultView.. return letter.toUpperCase if el.currentStyle return el.currentStyle camelize styleProp else if document.defaultView document.defaultView.getComputedStyle.. before accessing getComputedStyle . Added last case when el.currentStyle and getComputedStyle are not available get the inline CSS property..

Javascript incapable of getting element's max-height via element.style.maxHeight


el null .getPropertyValue styleProp else if el.currentStyle IE sanitize property name to camelCase styleProp styleProp.replace.. w g function str letter return letter.toUpperCase value el.currentStyle styleProp convert other units to pixels on IE if ^ d em pt ex.. oldRsLeft el.runtimeStyle.left el.runtimeStyle.left el.currentStyle.left el.style.left value 0 value el.style.pixelLeft px el.style.left..

How to retrieve a style's value in javascript?


el null .getPropertyValue styleProp else if el.currentStyle IE sanitize property name to camelCase styleProp styleProp.replace.. w g function str letter return letter.toUpperCase value el.currentStyle styleProp convert other units to pixels on IE if ^ d em pt ex.. oldRsLeft el.runtimeStyle.left el.runtimeStyle.left el.currentStyle.left el.style.left value 0 value el.style.pixelLeft px el.style.left..

How to access css properties in javascript when applied via external CSS file?


element. var el document.getElementById 'hello' var comp el.currentStyle getComputedStyle el null alert comp.backgroundColor Note that..

Using elements that are added to an array with (document.getElementById('ID'))


var computedStyle function el style var cs if typeof el.currentStyle 'undefined' cs el.currentStyle else cs document.defaultView.getComputedStyle.. el style var cs if typeof el.currentStyle 'undefined' cs el.currentStyle else cs document.defaultView.getComputedStyle el null return..