

javascript Programming Glossary: el.focus

Is there an Internet Explorer approved substitute for selectionStart and selectionEnd?


start end end var el document.getElementById your_input el.focus var sel getInputSelection el alert sel.start sel.end share..

How to get caret position in textarea?


return el.selectionStart else if document.selection el.focus var r document.selection.createRange if r null return 0 var..

Inserting text at cursor in a textarea, with Javascript


undefined typeof document.selection.createRange undefined el.focus range document.selection.createRange range.collapse false range.text..

contenteditable, set caret at the end of the text (cross-browser)


following function will do it function placeCaretAtEnd el el.focus if typeof window.getSelection undefined typeof document.createRange..

Javascript: Move caret to last character


else if typeof el.createTextRange undefined el.focus var range el.createTextRange range.collapse false range.select..

How to get selected text/caret position of an input that doesn't have focus?


return el.selectionStart else if document.selection el.focus var r document.selection.createRange if r null return 0 var..

How to place cursor at end of text in textarea when tabbed into [duplicate]


else if typeof el.createTextRange undefined el.focus var range el.createTextRange range.collapse false range.select..

How do I detect “shift+enter” and generate a new line in Textarea?


return el.selectionStart else if document.selection el.focus var r document.selection.createRange if r null return 0 var..

How do I insert some text where the cursor is?


else if doc.selection undefined doc.selection.createRange el.focus range doc.selection.createRange range.collapse false range.text..