javascript Programming Glossary: efficiency
Building an HTML table on the fly using jQuery happen display the table I guess now I need to work on efficiency. At the very least I need to stop the animated graphic from.. method work. Suggestions for my pleasewait display And efficiency Possibly a better way to build the table Or maybe not a table..
Parse large JSON file in Nodejs wish to prevent reading the entire file into memory. Time efficiency does not matter to me. Yes I could try to read a number of objects..
Most efficient way to clone an object? things like obj JSON.decode JSON.encode o but question the efficiency. I've also seen recursive copying functions with various flaws...
When to use Requirejs and when to use bundled javascript? more compression and is thus more efficient. I believe the efficiency advantages of packaging are negligible in most cases because..
JavaScript if alternative [duplicate] more efficient or just a shortened version with the same efficiency javascript ternary operator conditional operator share improve..
Javascript; communication between tabs/windows with same origin . It seems to be the best solution in terms of reliability efficiency and browser compatibility. localStorage is implemented in all..
Is there any good JavaScript hash(code/table) implementation out there? which I'm almost certain that we do. Sidenote Is efficiency related to style Notice the performance hit .. there's a big..
Extracting the most duplicate value from an array in JavaScript (with jQuery) share improve this question Not perfect in terms of efficiency but does the job var nums 3 7 7 7 var freqs var max_index var..
to GWT or not to GWT [closed] to hand coded html jquery. And B are there any server side efficiency considerations that you would consider when using GWT in particular..
What is the difference between ?œthis?? ??this??and ??(this)?? this a cached version of the jQuery wrapped version for efficiency or chain off this to get the same in many cases . this The jQuery..
JSlint error 'Don't make functions within a loop.' leads to question about Javascript itself to move the function out of the loop actually affect the efficiency of the code javascript jslint share improve this question..
Meaning of >>, <<, | and & in JavaScript warns on these operations. It largely has to do with efficiency i.e. JavaScript uses floating point numbers internally and it's..
How can I check if a javascript variable is function type? is more efficient but the best way to check when efficiency isn't an issue is written on underscore's page linked by @Paul..
Prototypical OO in JavaScript choose to store certain elements either for the sake of efficiency or for data consistency purposes e.g. the values are inherently..
jQuery Selectors, efficiency Selectors efficiency I have been reading more lately about the efficiency of the.. efficiency I have been reading more lately about the efficiency of the different selector engines. I know that jQuery uses the..
Does MongoDB have a native REST interface? mainly because the server uses native binary protocol for efficiency. However you can find few REST wrappers in official documentation..
Can I load an entire HTML document into a document fragment in Internet Explorer? is completely rewritten though in order to achieve maximum efficiency and reliability. Additionally a new set of RegExps are added..
Can someone clarify Raphael's documentation? (or know a place in which someone already has done it) 4VYHe 6 . But this is a hack with lack of efficiency and elegancy. I want something that uses the correct tools on..