javascript Programming Glossary: date.utc
The correct Javascript Date.parse(…) format string?
How can I determine a timezone by the UTC offset? matches 9 10 if matches 7 offset offset return new Date Date.UTC parseInt matches 1 10 parseInt matches 2 10 1 parseInt matches..
Calculating the difference between two dates dd parseInt dsarr 1 10 var yy parseInt dsarr 2 10 return Date.UTC yy mm 1 dd 0 0 0 function datediff ds1 ds2 var d1 dstrToUTC..
Javascript Date.UTC() function is off by a month? Date.UTC function is off by a month I was playing around with Javascript.. this strange behavior var a new Date now a.getTime then Date.UTC 2009 10 31 diff then now daysleft parseInt diff 24 60 60 1000..
Chrome timeZone option to Date.toLocaleString() doing it wrong. Use the timestamp constructor overload or Date.UTC . Can I expect that as IANA releases updates to the TZDB that..
How to use JSON.parse reviver parameter to parse date string d 2 T d 2 d 2 d 2 . d Z .exec value if a return new Date Date.UTC a 1 a 2 1 a 3 a 4 a 5 a 6 return value loadArticle function.. d 2 d 2 . d Z d 2 d 2 .exec value if a return new Date Date.UTC a 1 a 2 1 a 3 a 4 a 5 a 6 return value loadArticle..
Javascript dates: what is the best way to deal with Daylight Savings Time? can change for more reasons than just DST . var timestamp Date.UTC 2010 10 1 31 0 0 0 zero based month 9 october var nextday new..
How do you create a JavaScript Date object with a set timezone without using a string representation though unless you specify a date string. Using new Date Date.UTC year month day hour minute second you can create a Date object..
Is My Page Being Loaded from the Browser Cache? DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime .ToString ' var pageStartTime Date.UTC new Date var isCached serverTime pageStartTime pageStartTime.getTime..
Automatically zooming in on highcharts after loading of the date var d new Date chart.xAxis 0 .setExtremes Date.UTC d.getFullYear d.getMonth d.getDate 7 Date.UTC d.getFullYear.. .setExtremes Date.UTC d.getFullYear d.getMonth d.getDate 7 Date.UTC d.getFullYear d.getMonth d.getDate share improve this answer..