javascript Programming Glossary: date.gettime
Java date format to JavaScript date format would be to convert the Java date to milliseconds using date.getTime create a JavaScript date initialized with this milliseconds..
How to clone a Date object in JavaScript 00 00 epoch time var date new Date var copiedDate new Date date.getTime In Safari 4 you can also write var date new Date var copiedDate..
How to add 30 minutes to a javascript Date object?
How to use JavaScript to fill a form on another page name value days if days var date new Date date.setTime date.getTime days 24 60 60 1000 var expires expires date.toGMTString else..
Javascript compare two dates to get a difference this function val_date input var date new Date input date date.getTime 1000 var timestamp new Date .getTime 7 24 60 60 1000 window.alert..
how create a session using javascript? days var date expires if days date new Date date.setTime date.getTime days 24 60 60 1000 expires expires date.toGMTString else expires..
What is the “best” way to get and set a single cookie value using JavaScript name value days if days var date new Date date.setTime date.getTime days 24 60 60 1000 var expires expires date.toGMTString else..
Javascript Date objects and Daylight Savings Time changing the last line of the for loop to date new Date date.getTime 3600000 produces the output I'd expect with the skipped hour..
How do I get the difference between two Dates in JavaScript?
How do I create and read a value from cookie? name value days if days var date new Date date.setTime date.getTime days 24 60 60 1000 var expires expires date.toGMTString else..
is it possible to read a file using javascript? name value days if days var date new Date date.setTime date.getTime days 24 60 60 1000 var expires expires date.toGMTString else..
Set cookie wih JS, read with PHP problem name value days if days var date new Date date.setTime date.getTime days 24 60 60 1000 var expires expires date.toGMTString else.. name value days if days var date new Date date.setTime date.getTime days 24 60 60 1000 var expires expires date.toGMTString else..
How can I delete all cookies with JavaScript? name value days if days var date new Date date.setTime date.getTime days 24 60 60 1000 var expires expires date.toGMTString else..
IE 9 Javascript error c00c023f .innerHTML sum var date new Date date.setTime date.getTime 2 60 60 1000 document.cookie 'cpa_num ' sum ' expires ' date.toGMTString..
Javascript's `window.resizeTo` isn't working
Make a cookie expire in 30 seconds createCookie name value var date new Date date.setTime date.getTime 30 1000 var expires expires date.toGMTString document.cookie..
Jquery Date.parse returning NaN in Chrome browser?
Are Javascript arrays sparse? if I use the current time as an index into the array array Date.getTime value will the interpreter instantiate all the elements from..
How to measure a time spent on a page? you can use like var start document .ready function start Date.getTime window .unload function end Date.getTime .ajax url log.php data.. function start Date.getTime window .unload function end Date.getTime .ajax url log.php data 'timeSpent' end start See more here..
Microsecond timing in JavaScript . now is better than the traditional Date.getTime in two important ways now is a double with submillisecond resolution.. . now is monotonically increasing. This is important as Date.getTime can possibly jump forward or even backward on subsequent calls... system time is updated e.g. atomic clock synchronization Date.getTime is also updated. now is guaranteed to always be monotonically..