javascript Programming Glossary: date.getday
How can I determine a timezone by the UTC offset? if minutes 10 minutes 0 minutes return weekDays date.getDay months date.getMonth date.getDate date.getFullYear at hour..
Current time formatting with Javascript format.replace ^ ^ K g 1 K var day utc date.getUTCDay date.getDay 1 format format.replace new RegExp dddd 0 g dddd day format..
In the FullCalendar dayClick event, can I get the events that already exist in clicked date? information date new Date date.getFullYear date.getMonth date.getDay '#calendar' .fullCalendar 'clientEvents' function event if.. var startDate new Date date.getFullYear date.getMonth date.getDay 0 0 0 .getTime var endDate new Date date.getFullYear date.getMonth.. var endDate new Date date.getFullYear date.getMonth date.getDay 23 59 59 .getTime var cache new Date .getTime .getJSON json..
How to get the day from a particular date using JavaScript share improve this question var date new Date var day date.getDay day now holds a number from zero to six zero is Sunday one is..
Why does getDay return incorrect values? (javascript) 4 it returns a 1 . E.g. var date new Date 2009 04 30 alert date.getDay the function returns 6 should return 4 var date new Date 2009.. 6 should return 4 var date new Date 2009 05 01 alert date.getDay the function returns 1 should return 5 I really don't know why..