javascript Programming Glossary: date.parseexact
Parse ONLY a time string with DateJS Shortly after asking my question I discovered that Date.parseExact can take an array of format strings. Somehow I'm missed that... with the following code function validateTime input return Date.parseExact input H m h mt h m t ht h t null Date.parseExact input .. Date.parseExact input H m h mt h m t ht h t null Date.parseExact input h mtt h m tt htt h tt null Note that some formats don't..
Invalid date in safari problem should be solved using code like this var myDate1 Date.parseExact 29 11 2010 dd MM yyyy var myDate2 Date.parseExact 11 29 2010.. myDate1 Date.parseExact 29 11 2010 dd MM yyyy var myDate2 Date.parseExact 11 29 2010 MM dd yyyy var myDate3 Date.parseExact 2010 11 29.. myDate2 Date.parseExact 11 29 2010 MM dd yyyy var myDate3 Date.parseExact 2010 11 29 yyyy MM dd var myDate4 Date.parseExact 2010 29 11..
How can I convert a date value in ISO 8601 format to a date object in JavaScript? Date Library with an extended Date.parse method and a Date.parseExact method which lets you specify a format string. See DateJS APIDocumentation..