

javascript Programming Glossary: cw

Can I get image from canvas element and use it in img src tag?


displayedImg width picture.width height picture.height var cw displayedImg.width ch displayedImg.height Context.rotate degree.. degree Math.PI 180 Context.drawImage img cx cy cw ch function showImg imgFile if imgFile.type.match image. return..

Grid drawn using a <canvas> element looking stretched


to be stretched skewed. var canvas ' canvas ' .attr width cw height ch .appendTo 'body' http jsfiddle.net h2yJn 66 share..

Height equal to dynamic width (CSS fluid layout)


CSS alone. Using jQuery you can achieve this by doing var cw '.child' .width '.child' .css 'height' cw 'px' Check working.. by doing var cw '.child' .width '.child' .css 'height' cw 'px' Check working example at http jsfiddle.net n6DAu 1 share..

Structuring a PhoneGap jQuery Mobile Application


helper functions storage.js database storage wrapper cw client.js a client object 400 lines of js code Objects.js all..

JQGrid: Resize Grid Width After Column Resized


method of jqGrid. It's first changing of the line cw this.widthOrg this.widthOrg parseInt this.width 10 to cw this.widthOrg.. cw this.widthOrg this.widthOrg parseInt this.width 10 to cw this.widthOrg t.p.shrinkToFit this.widthOrg parseInt this.width..