

javascript Programming Glossary: consumption

How do I use Node.js clusters with my simple Express app?


I get 475 req s with node.js CPU at 100 which means 50 CPU consumption on this dual core box . Let's replace res.render 'index' items.. result of the benchmark is close to 750 req s with 100 CPU consumption to be compared with the initial 475 req s . share improve this..

Using a local file as a data source in JavaScript


loading a file in a well behaved format that's ready for consumption like JSON. If it works on either ideally both Firefox or Chrome..

Implementing Mozilla's toSource() method in Internet Explorer


or less stringent if the need is for simple benign human consumption to view an object's internals. A primary JSON feature as a representation..

What are advantages of using google.load('jQuery', …) vs direct inclusion of hosted script URL?


point of using Google's hosting is to reduce bandwidth consumption and response time the best decision if you're just using 1 library..

How to profile and and get Javascript performance [duplicate]


profiling share improve this question Regarding memory consumption Memory leaks in JavaScript are usually ignored except when they..

Are there any static Call-Graph and/or Control-Flow-Graph API for JavaScript?


is unlikely to be packaged in a form designed for easy consumption for your purpose. I've been beating my head on this problem..

Object Oriented Javascript best practices? [closed]


JavaScript for extreme performance and low memory consumption . Defining things in the file or in a ` function ... ` If you..

Why don't I get a 'same origin policy' warning when using the Google Maps API?


into the page using the script tag while my REST consumption is using XMLHttpRequest. IF that is the case what is the difference..

Declaring javascript object method in constructor function vs. in prototype


judgment and do some benchmarks if performance or memory consumption are major concerns. It is possible to use a hybrid approach..