javascript Programming Glossary: contains
Access / process (nested) objects, arrays or JSON over the object like so for var prop in data `prop` contains the name of each property i.e. `'code'` or `'items'` consequently.. on the exact data structure then. If the data structure contains repeating structures e.g. the representation of a binary tree..
Events triggered by dynamically generated element are not captured by event handler '#modal' .load 'handlers word.edit.php' word.edit.php contains a few input element which are loaded into a modal div . Using..
Href attribute for JavaScript links: “#” or “javascript:void(0)”? have to either state Use href # make sure onclick always contains return false at the end that any called function does not throw..
Change the URL in the browser without loading the new page using JavaScript to set the window.location.hash property to a value that contains whatever state information you need then either use the window.onhashchange..
Cross-browser onload event and the Back button Safari Opera and Mozilla no matter what the event handler contains. edit Nickolay here's why it works that way
How to “properly” create a custom object in JavaScript? to do is find a way to create a prototype object which contains the methods and other members we want at a class level without..
Explain JavaScript's encapsulated anonymous function syntax SpiderMonkey have a different behavior. Their grammar contains a non standard Function Statement meaning that the function..
Pass a PHP string to a Javascript variable (and escape newlines) script However this doesn't work when myVarValue contains quotes or newlines. php javascript escaping newline share..
How can I check if one string contains another substring in JavaScript? can I check if one string contains another substring in JavaScript How can I check if one string.. substring in JavaScript How can I check if one string contains another substring in JavaScript Usually I would expect a String.contains.. substring in JavaScript Usually I would expect a String.contains method but there doesn't seem to be one. javascript string..
Change an element's CSS class with JavaScript designed for a specific task whilst a framework generally contains multiple libraries and performs a complete set of duties. The.. .click changeClass or without needing an id ' button contains My Button ' .click changeClass HTML5 Techniques for changing.. 'class' if document.getElementById MyElement .classList.contains 'class' document.getElementById MyElement .classList.toggle..
array.contains(obj) in JavaScript obj in JavaScript What is the most concise and efficient way.. and efficient way to find out if a JavaScript array contains an obj This is the only way I know to do it contains a obj for.. array contains an obj This is the only way I know to do it contains a obj for var i 0 i a.length i if a i obj return true return..
Are there legitimate uses for JavaScript's “with” statement? are defined in var name Joe if true var name Jack name now contains Jack Declaring a closure in a loop is a common task where this..
XML parsing of a variable string in JavaScript string in JavaScript I have a variable string that contains well formed and valid XML. I need to use JavaScript code to..
How to include a JavaScript file in another JavaScript file? it will be still loading. For example my_lovely_script.js contains MySuperObject var js document.createElement script js.type text..
Reset select value to default use of the defaultSelected property of an option element Contains the initial value of the selected HTML attribute indicating..
Cross-browser development the common problems first. Cross browser development Contains lots of useful tutorials regarding cross browser development...
Is there a case insensitive jQuery :contains selector? up doing for jQuery 1.2 is jQuery.extend jQuery.expr ' ' Contains jQuery a .text .toUpperCase .indexOf m 3 .toUpperCase 0 This.. m 3 .toUpperCase 0 This will extend jquery to have a Contains selector that is case insensitive the contains selector remains.. 1.3 thanks @user95227 and later you need jQuery.expr ' ' .Contains function a i m return jQuery a .text .toUpperCase .indexOf m..
jQuery DataTables server-side processing using ASP.NET WebForms persons.Count aaData persons .Where p p.Name.Contains sSearch Search Avoid Contains in production .Where p p.Id.ToString.. persons .Where p p.Name.Contains sSearch Search Avoid Contains in production .Where p p.Id.ToString .Contains sSearch .Select.. Avoid Contains in production .Where p p.Id.ToString .Contains sSearch .Select p new p.Id.ToString p.Name .Skip iDisplayStart..
jQuery selector to target any class name (of multiple present) starting with a prefix? elements with a class attribute that Starts with detail or Contains a class prefixed with detail . Class names are separated by..
How do I get a element to scroll into view, using JQuery? offsets relative to the document var offset this .offset Contains .top and .left Subtract 20 from top and left offset.left 20..
Does using // in Javascript chose http/https protocol automatically request it with HTTP. This prevents that awful This Page Contains Both Secure and Non Secure Items error message in IE keeping..
how do I find elements that contain a data-* attribute matching a prefix using jquery Padolsey I need to express something like the Attribute Contains Prefix Selector name value but instead of matching value I need..
jQuery String Contains Manipulation? String Contains Manipulation In most languages like C# for example given a..