javascript Programming Glossary: context
What is the difference between a function expression vs declaration in Javascript? [duplicate] lies in how the browser loads them into the execution context. function declarations loads before any code is executed. While..
How do JavaScript closures work? test When a Javascript function is invoked a new execution context is created. Together with the function arguments and the parent.. function arguments and the parent object this execution context also receives all the variables declared outside of it in the..
How do I “think in AngularJS” if I have a jQuery background? here is that the developer is trying to do jQuery in the context of AngularJS. That's never going to work well. The view is the..
Can I use multiple versions of jQuery on the same page? to load a newer version of jQuery to use only within the context of our code that will not interfere with or affect any code..
Use of 'prototype' vs. 'this' in Javascript? of that object. The keyword this refers to the object context within which the function is executing. The language is functional.. system will look for a variable x in the current object context. Without any additional code in the example we could assume.. When called with new the function is run in a blank object context. In other words because of the new keyword this will refer to..
JavaScript “this” keyword to the value of the ThisBinding of the current execution context §11.1.1 . ThisBinding is something that the JavaScript interpreter.. updates the ThisBinding whenever establishing an execution context in one of only three different cases Initial global execution.. one of only three different cases Initial global execution context This is the case for JavaScript code that is evaluated when..
jQuery/JavaScript: accessing contents of an iframe jquery. I thought I'd be able to do this by setting the context of the jQuery function to be the document of the iframe something..
using javascript in android webview of a toast please. public class JavaScriptInterface Context mContext Instantiate the interface and set the context JavaScriptInterface.. a toast please. public class JavaScriptInterface Context mContext Instantiate the interface and set the context JavaScriptInterface.. the interface and set the context JavaScriptInterface Context c mContext c Show a toast from the web page public void showToast..
How to maintain a WebSockets connection between pages? scope you mentioned is always related to the JavaScript Context and a Context is created for each windows and destroyed when.. is always related to the JavaScript Context and a Context is created for each windows and destroyed when the document..
Creating dynamic context menu in Chrome Extension is failing that looks at the current selection and creates the Context Menu. I implemented this but it does not always work. Sometimes.. manifest_version 2 content_script.js function loadContextMenu var selection window.getSelection .toString .trim chrome.extension.sendMessage.. .toString .trim chrome.extension.sendMessage request 'loadContextMenu' selection selection function response console.log 'sendMessage..
forge.facebook.ui callback invoked with null on iOS Key path accessToken Options New NO Old NO Prior YES Context 0x112ad4 Property 0xc9a6fe0 DEBUG NSKeyValueObservance 0x9dbba50.. Key path expirationDate Options New NO Old NO Prior YES Context 0x112ad4 Property 0xc9a0a60 DEBUG We tried Forge version 1.4..
Rhino: How to call JS function from Java this question String script function abc x y return x y Context context Context.enter try ScriptableObject scope context.initStandardObjects.. String script function abc x y return x y Context context Context.enter try ScriptableObject scope context.initStandardObjects.. context scope that new Object 2 3 System.out.println Context.jsToJava result int.class finally Context.exit UPDATE when the..
Invoke native date picker from web-app on iOS/Android replace final PhonegapActivity currentCtx ctx with final Context currentCtx ctx.getContext and in the JavaScript file replace.. currentCtx ctx with final Context currentCtx ctx.getContext and in the JavaScript file replace PhoneGap with cordova . Also..
JavaScript property access: dot notation vs. brackets? var foo 'bar' 'baz' Then var x foo 'bar' vs. var x Context I've written a code generator which produces these expressions..
What are some empirical technical reasons not to use jQuery? [closed] some empirical technical reasons not to use jQuery closed Context I am astounded by the number of front end developers that hack..
Javascript dynamic variable name question Since ECMA Javascript is all about Objects and Contexts which are also somekind of Object every variable is stored.. the Global Object is the window object itself. Within the Context of a function you don't have direct access to the Activation..
garbage collection with node.js and disappear as soon as function execution completes. Context variables live in a heap allocated context structure. They disappear..
send a notification from javascript in UIWebView to ObjectiveC to requested URL as normal return YES Two important notes Context navigating to myapp whatever will of course fail under any other..
In jQuery, is selecting by class or id faster than selecting by some other attribute? diff script head body h1 jQuery Selector Performance Context vs No Context h1 h2 .someclass h2 span id withoutcontext span.. head body h1 jQuery Selector Performance Context vs No Context h1 h2 .someclass h2 span id withoutcontext span ms br br h2..