

javascript Programming Glossary: constructor

How to “properly” create a custom object in JavaScript?


new Shape by writing them to the prototype lookup of this constructor function Shape.prototype.toString function return 'Shape at.. Circle x y r Shape.call this x y invoke the base class's constructor function to take co ords this.r r Circle.prototype new Shape.. are assigned to the prototype's this.x and this.y . If the constructor function were doing anything more complicated it would fall..

Use of 'prototype' vs. 'this' in Javascript?


of the function turning it into what is commonly called a constructor function . When called with new the function is run in a blank..

Does it matter which equals operator (== vs ===) I use in JavaScript comparisons?


string literal with a string object created by the String constructor. abc new String abc true abc new String abc false Here the operator..

JavaScript Variable Scope


1 won't get reached because 'a' is set in the constructor above. Seven.prototype.b 8 Will get reached even though 'b'.. 8 Will get reached even though 'b' is NOT set in the constructor. These will print 1 8 one two 2 three four alert new Five .a..

How does JavaScript .prototype work?


have seen prototypical and not class based Just think of constructor functions as classes and the properties of the prototype ie.. of the prototype ie of the object referenced by the constructor function's prototype property as shared members ie members which..

Most elegant way to clone a JavaScript object


place. One solution might be to call the source object's constructor property to get the initial copy object and then copy over the.. obj if null obj object typeof obj return obj var copy obj.constructor for var attr in obj if obj.hasOwnProperty attr copy attr obj..

Is it possible to achieve dynamic scoping in JavaScript without resorting to eval?


function Class clazz return function var constructor var Constructor eval String clazz Constructor.apply this arguments constructor.apply.. function var constructor var Constructor eval String clazz Constructor.apply this arguments constructor.apply this arguments var Rectangle..

How does “this” keyword work within a JavaScript object literal?


you call bar as a callback it still has a reference. As a Constructor You can also invoke a function as a constructor. Based on the.. and is what's tripping you up . You invoke a function as a Constructor with the new keyword. function Foo this.confusing 'hell yeah'..

OO Javascript constructor pattern: neo-classical vs prototypal


you share Crockford's fear of the new this combo function Constructor foo this.foo foo ... Constructor.prototype.method function Other.. new this combo function Constructor foo this.foo foo ... Constructor.prototype.method function Other similar questions relating to..

Instantiating a JavaScript object by calling prototype.constructor.apply


Date object is by definition not possible 15.9.2 The Date Constructor Called as a Function When Date is called as a function rather..

Check if object is a jQuery object


function aka is implemented as a constructor function . Constructor functions are to be called with the new prefix. When you call..

Sound effects in JavaScript / HTML5


function which clones the audio object and plays it var Constructor function Constructor.prototype this Snd name function var clone.. the audio object and plays it var Constructor function Constructor.prototype this Snd name function var clone new Constructor clone.play.. Constructor.prototype this Snd name function var clone new Constructor clone.play Return the cloned element so the caller can interrupt..

JavaScript prototype limited to functions?


are confusing the prototype property that can be used on Constructor Functions and the internal Prototype property. All objects have..

`new function()` with lower case “f” in JavaScript


valid you are using a function expression as if it were a Constructor Function . But IMHO you can achieve the same with an auto invoking..

Javascript: Module Pattern vs Constructor/Prototype pattern?


Module Pattern vs Constructor Prototype pattern I would like to know if the module pattern.. pattern I would like to know if the module pattern or Constructor protoType pattern is more applicable to my work. Basically I.. and inheritance hierarchies etc. My understanding of the Constructor Prototype pattern for creating objects for using inheritance..

Is JavaScript 's “new” Keyword Considered Harmful? [closed]


if this instanceof arguments.callee throw new Error Constructor called as a function Note that this snippet is able to avoid..

Advantages of using prototype, vs defining methods straight in the constructor? [duplicate]


any of these over the other and which way should I go Constructor approach var Class function this.calc function a b return a..

How can jQuery deferred be used?


after previous one finishes . Class Buffer methods append Constructor takes a function which will be the task handler to be called..

What's the difference between Array(1) and new Array(1) in JavaScript?


injected when it's called as a function 15.4.1 The Array Constructor Called as a Function When Array is called as a function rather..

creating objects from JS closure: should i use the “new” keyword?


about closures here in SO with this sample function Constructor var privateProperty 'private' var privateMethod function alert.. from public method' getter privateMethod var myObj new Constructor public var pubProp myObj.publicProperty myObj.publicMethod myObj.getter.. if using new you'd expect the result to be an instance of Constructor i usually create objects using new . but why is it not a good..

__proto__ Vs. prototype in JavaScript


This figure again shows that every object has a prototype. Constructor function Foo also has its own __proto__ which is Function.prototype..