

javascript Programming Glossary: console.log.apply

A proper wrapper for console.log with correct line number?


'line ' this.lineNumber 'stack ' this.stack console.log.apply console args.concat suffix var a Log .write 'monkey' 1 'test..

alias to chrome console.log


window object. Instead you can write cl function return console.log.apply console arguments This will call log in the context of console..

Create shortcut to console.log() in Chrome


is just an abbreviation of console.log function log console.log.apply console arguments Whenever I call this I see the logged item..

console.log.apply not working in IE9


not working in IE9 Looks like I've re invented the wheel but.. window.console window.console log function do something console.log.apply console arguments Related Apply question for javascript F12..

typeerror illegal invocation on console.log.apply


illegal invocation on console.log.apply If you run this in the console console.log.apply null array.. on console.log.apply If you run this in the console console.log.apply null array Chrome gives you back an error TypeError Illegal..

Chrome doesn't recognize console.log when it's called log


function. A better implementation would be this window.log console.log.apply console arguments or to be pedantic since arguments isn't an.. cast arguments to a real array in the usual way window.log console.log.apply console Array slice.call arguments That should work the same.. JavaScript then one of these will work window.log function console.log.apply console arguments window.log function console.log.apply console..