javascript Programming Glossary: config
Authorization of Google Drive using JavaScript section of the wiki there is a code snippet for creating a config and calling the authorize function . I've altered the scope.. scope to be that one I believe is required for drive var config 'client_id' 'my_client_ID' 'scope' 'https auth drive.file' gapi.auth.authorize config function console.log gapi.auth The callback function is never..
Delaying AngularJS route change until model loaded to prevent flicker 'phonecatServices' 'phonecatDirectives' . config ' routeProvider' function routeProvider routeProvider. when..
Bundler not including .min files both scripts are rendered correctly. Is there some config setting that is causing it to ignore '.min.js' files c# javascript..
How to know if a font (@font-face) has already been loaded? Sans MS' testString 'QW@HhsXJ' delay 50 timeOut 2500 var config .extend defaults conf var tester document.createElement 'span'.. 'hidden' config.testFont '250px' tester.innerHTML config.testString.. '250px' tester.innerHTML config.testString document.body.appendChild tester var fallbackFontWidth..
Is Safari on iOS 6 caching $.ajax results? a bug. Below is what I use in the right bit of my Apache config to target the whole of my API because as it happens I don't..
Injecting JS functions into the page from a Greasemonkey script on Chrome 'p' p.innerHTML ' a href javascript setConfigOption 1 set config option to 1 a ' document.getElementById 'injection point' .appendChild..
Preloading images with jQuery I saw this here http function complexLoad config fileNames for var x 0 x fileNames.length x img .attr id fileNames.. var x 0 x fileNames.length x img .attr id fileNames x src config.imgDir fileNames x config.imgFormat title The fileNames x nebula.. x img .attr id fileNames x src config.imgDir fileNames x config.imgFormat title The fileNames x nebula .appendTo # config.imgContainer..
Loading javascript into a UIWebView from resources title MathJax title head body script type text x mathjax config MathJax.Hub.Config tex2jax inlineMath script script type text.. title MathJax title head body script type text x mathjax config MathJax.Hub.Config tex2jax inlineMath script script type text..
Copy to Clipboard for all Browsers using javascript sign the code to enable this or allow the action in about config by changing user_pref signed.applets.codebase_principal_support.. sign the code to enable this or allow the action in about config by changing user_pref signed.applets.codebase_principal_support..
Loading backbone and underscore using requirejs such as Backbone Underscore much better using the new shim configuration. The shim configuration is simple to use 1 one states.. much better using the new shim configuration. The shim configuration is simple to use 1 one states the dependencies deps if.. the dependencies deps if any which may be from the paths configuration or may be valid paths themselves . 2 optionally specify..
How to load bootstrapped models in Backbone.js while using AMD (require.js) exclusively. It also helps you provide the initial app configuration based on variables within the template. Within your rendered.. rendered page script src require.js script script define 'config' function return bootstrappedAccounts @accounts.to_json bootstrappedProjects.. script src app.js script globals.js This file checks for config and extends itself using any of the data returned define 'config'..
jQuery Fancybox Not Recognizing Element 3655 d 1350682390 img class thumbnail border 0 style float CONFIG alt Click image for larger version. Name 253635_10150631007825720_595485719_18819556_7955719_n.jpg..
Design Patterns used in the jQuery library cheating... .fn.plugin function 'div' .plugin Flyweight CONFIG is shared .fn.plugin function CONFIG CONFIG .extend content.. .plugin Flyweight CONFIG is shared .fn.plugin function CONFIG CONFIG .extend content 'Hello world ' CONFIG this.html CONFIG.content.. Flyweight CONFIG is shared .fn.plugin function CONFIG CONFIG .extend content 'Hello world ' CONFIG this.html CONFIG.content..
How to parse JSON data, using javascript in javascript My data looks like this... id 1 0 1 filename CONFIG 1 1 CONFIG 1 setting_name Parameter 501 2 Parameter 501 setting_value.. My data looks like this... id 1 0 1 filename CONFIG 1 1 CONFIG 1 setting_name Parameter 501 2 Parameter 501 setting_value true.. Parameter 501 setting_value true 3 true id 1 0 1 filename CONFIG 1 1 CONFIG 1 setting_name Parameter 502 2 Parameter 502 setting_value..