javascript Programming Glossary: conclusion
How to clear/remove observable bindings in Knockout.js? JS error which doesn't occur during the first pass. The conclusion appears to be that Knockout is holding on to these bound properties..
Programmatically editing Less (css) code with JQuery-like selector syntax? the original less source is stored and loaded. usage and conclusion style type text less @color green #header color @color style..
Instantiating a JavaScript object by calling prototype.constructor.apply done more investigation of my own and came up with the conclusion that this is an impossible feat due to how the Date class is..
JavaScript: How to detect that the Internet connection is offline? from the communication mechanism in order to draw a good conclusion about what's going on. So again determining the state of the..
Creating range in JavaScript - strange syntax the transformation of i the current index to a number. In conclusion The expression Array.apply null length 5 .map Number..
How is it possible to share single js resource between browser tabs? I found an implementation of the approach described in the conclusion intercom.js I added an issue about a general interface of resource..
Can script.readyState be trusted to detect the end of dynamic script loading? analysis of a strange behavior in Opera 9.64 I came to the conclusion that using this technique the onload callback got fired too..
How to encode image data within an HTML file? discussions of this on the web and they all come to the conclusion that there is no good universal way to embed images. If you..
“invalid label” Firebug error with jQuery getJSON code will be added to the 'jsoncallback' GET variable. In conclusion the jsoncallback parameter in the .getJSON URL does two things..
Detecting support for a given JavaScript event? and the jQuery plugins for this. However I've reached the conclusion that in my particular project it's not really worth the added..
How many JavaScript programs are executed for a single web-page in the browser? will be thrown foo is not defined . This leads to the conclusion that every SCRIPT element inside the HTML code of the web page.. JavaScript programs after the error occurred . Now my conclusions are every SCRIPT element within the HTML code of the web page..
How can i disable print screen for a web page in all browser
Basic Dual Contouring Theory
Backbone.js vs Spine.js [closed] Backbone and Spine. Highly worth reading. In the end my conclusion is still the same which is echoed in Hjörtur's conclusion ...I.. conclusion is still the same which is echoed in Hjörtur's conclusion ...I recommend when the key thing is simplicity or CoffeeScript..
Is window really global in Javascript? The above explanation has one important conceptional conclusion Any function in ECMAscript is a Closure which is true. Since..
Where are constructors such as, `new Image()` and `new Option()`, documented? components which is incorrect. How do you come to that conclusion JavaScript belongs to Mozilla so they can specify that it contains..
this.href vs $(this).attr('href') helpful jquery tricks notes and best practices I came to conclusion that using this.href is more efficient. However when I tried..
Embed Google Maps on page without overriding iPhone scroll behavior nor in setting myself up for future compatibility. In conclusion if you want to embed Google Maps on a mobile page and be able..
Determine Maximum Possible DIV Height
How to list all comments in my domain or url URL2 ' function response Do something with results Conclusion Because of this limitation of Facebook I plan to switch to
“undefined” randomly appended in 1% of requested urls on my website since 12 june 2012 it won't is when you aren't doing whatever triggers it. Conclusion There is no super easy way to peg down what exactly is going..
Building a website using node.js - best practice [closed] module. See this SO question of mine for more information. Conclusion What I'm trying to get at is this Asking what the best practice..
In jQuery mobile, what's the diff between tap and vclick? this .append span style 'color #00F ' click fired. span Conclusion If you want a backward jQM compatibility stick with VClick in..
Prevent WebBrowser control from stealing focus? WM_SYSTIMER 0x0118 public const UInt32 WM_NCACTIVATE 0x86 Conclusion Though the problem itself is solvable it is by far not easy...
User recognition without cookies or local storage debug true echo b DEBUG b message END debug END class Conclusion Identifying a user without a Unique Identifier is not a straight..
No ways to have class-based objects in javascript? line3 line4 and line5 form a 100x100 square when drawn. Conclusion So you see you really don't need classes in JavaScript. Objects..
Do you know what may cause memory leaks in JavaScript? memory leaks Introducing the closure More leakage patterns Conclusion I think it is a better approach to be as browser unspecific..
How is it possible to share single js resource between browser tabs? but currently it is not supported by firefox and msie. Conclusion Nowadays 2013.10.03 the best option to periodically ping the..
Is there a way to determine if a <select> dropdown menu is open? is open Or is this something that Javascript can't know Conclusion There doesn't seem to be any guaranteed way to determine if..
Benefits of prototypal inheritance over classical? at the top. However I like saving the best for the end. Conclusion Prototypal inheritance matters. It's important to educate JavaScript..
jQuery Ajax, overwrite onreadystatechange handler does not allow to overwrite the handler at this point. Conclusion It's impossible to create a custom readystatechange handler..
May function declarations appear inside statements in JavaScript? production contain the FunctionDeclaration production Conclusion The answer is NO. javascript share improve this question..
javaScript: Can a comma occur after the last set of values in an array? also has a name evil comma of doom it was called once. Conclusion NEVER.. ever use a trailing comma in Javascript. share improve..
Html5 Canvas vs SVG vs div too ie excluding things that are off screen is very easy . Conclusion SVG is probably better for applications and apps with few items..
jQuery SVG vs. Raphael [closed] browsers and supports almost all the features of SVG. Conclusion If you're doing something quick and easy Raphael is an easy..
What is AJAX and how does it work? [duplicate] Dealing with securing against malicious HTML injection Conclusion This concludes the community wiki post on AJAX. I hope it will..
Switch statement for greater-than/less-than case 0 do something break ... case 29 do something break Conclusion If performance is important use if statements or switch with..
Why should y.innerHTML = x.innerHTML; be avoided? Sorry I forgot to cover this case in my original question. Conclusion I have posted my own answer to this question below as I originally..