

javascript Programming Glossary: connected

Building a website using node.js - best practice [closed]


but if you don't need that because you're accessing data connected to an already present system I'd advise to use a more.. 'modern'..

Replace url from youtube to embed code - Error: Permission denied to access property 'toString'


Google engineers you should just ignore it for now. It's connected to Flash Player security settings and the SWF file embedded..

Check if Internet Connection Exists with Javascript?


considered online . Being online only entails that you are connected to a network not the availability nor reachability of the services..

JavaScript unit test tools for TDD


is similar to TestSwarm that it has a server and clients connected. But it also has support for running tests from command line..

How to detect online/offline event cross-browser?


Returns false if the user agent is definitely offline disconnected from the network . Returns true if the user agent might be online... This attribute is inherently unreliable. A computer can be connected to a network without having Internet access. share improve..

Dealing with overlapping jQuery sortable lists


issue but I'm using jQuery Sortables and trying to get two connected lists working together nicely when one is positioned as fixed..

How to implement a chat room using Jquery/PHP?


and will return the server time as long as the client is connected. php header Cache Control no cache must revalidate header Expires..

Send message to specific client with socket.io and node.js


message so I could pass an array with all the SessionIds connected at that moment to the server except the one I wish send the..

How does Facebook keep the header and footer fixed while loading a different page?


Graph visualization code in JavaScript?


HTML5 jsPlumb jQuery plug in for creating interactive connected graphs jssvggraph Lightweight yet nice graph layouter Moo Wheel..

How to check IF user has ALREADY liked the facebook page?


I have checked the following Check if the user is connected to facebook and then check if he liked a page Facebook Like..

Screen Scraping from a web page with a lot of Javascript


after your scraping is over and all the other nasty things connected to controlling a browser history autocomplete temp files etc..

Highlight selected node, its links, and its children in a d3.js force directed graph


to fade out all of the links and nodes then fade in the connected links but so far I haven't been able to elegantly fade in the.. but so far I haven't been able to elegantly fade in the connected nodes that are children of the currently mouseover'd node. I.. d3 ex chord.html but that doesn't show how to alter the connected child nodes. Any good suggestions on how to solve or improve..

event delegation vs direct binding when adding complex elements to a page


header section class hide after collapse ol class sortable connected li header class show after collapse Top Line Info header section.. header section class hide after collapse ol class sortable connected li header section class hide after collapse div Content B div.. item maintains its level though the inner lists are connected. The items have an always visible header and a section visible..

Hiding _groups_ of series in Highcharts and jQuery: how to get acceptable performance?


So data points collected from the same individual are connected by lines and data points from individuals that belong to the..