javascript Programming Glossary: computation
Base64 HMAC SHA1 String in VBA SHA1 modified.txt you With HMAC we add a secret key to the computation. me file.txt you me SHA1_HMAC file.txt our_secret you When you..
Can't Access CSS Selector's Properties from Javascript You can get the values set through class only after their computation. var oElm document.getElementById myStyle var strValue if document.defaultView..
Javascript collection throughout This can be seen almost anywhere function some computation var x 10 2 var y 5 return width x height y Again with the alternative..
How does Javascript's sort() work? function a b return a b I know that if the result of the computation is... Less than 0 a is sorted to be a lower index than b . Zero..
Optimized Algorithm to compare Templates of two URLs you tag by class name using MultiMap. You will save lot of computation 6 Index class with no Id no class name All these pre computations.. 6 Index class with no Id no class name All these pre computations can be performed in one traversal of the tree so O n . Generally.. of the tree so O n . Generally if you want to reduce computation you will have to store more data in the memory. Since DOM page..
What is the benefit of a 'promise' abstraction in CommonJS? what promises get you the powerful ability to defer the computation of the right answer until a more convenient time. As the name..
How to find cursor position in a contenteditable DIV? at that position. I am clueless how I can find it by some computation or is there a native browser functionality that would help me..
Given a string describing a Javascript function, convert it to a Javascript function in duly sanitized or it may be the result of some symbolic computation. It really doesn't matter . I want to define fn as if the following..
Benefits of prototypal inheritance over classical? your code are just a a natural language description of the computation. What makes metadata meta data is that it's not strictly necessary... and compilers. Static types tell a story about the computation presumably to help both reader groups understand the intent..
How is Node.js inherently faster when it still relies on Threads internally? I O can now be used to handle some other request or some computation that can be done in parallel or start some other parallel I..
Distance Between Two GEO Locations can compare the accurracy of various methods of distance computation on this page . As you can see the spherical and the differential..
parse and execute JS by C# flags ScriptText.IsExpression try immediate expression computation seems to work only for 64 bit so hack something for 32 bit.....
Get Position of Mouse Cursor on Mouseover of Google Maps V3 API Marker This is an extension of my previous answer regarding the computation of the pixel positions Google maps API v3 . Introduce a global..
Client side vs server side basics [closed] question Client side programming includes any coding or computation or effects or annimation or any sort of interaction your website..
How to run user-submitted scripts securely in a node.js sandbox? access to node's API. The untrusted code can only do basic computation and has no access to files or sockets. While you should read..
C++, C# and JavaScript on WinRT [closed] minuscule for some e.g. event driven app with no or little computation and considerable for others e.g. parsing or heavy math . UI..