javascript Programming Glossary: codebase
Memory leak risk in JavaScript closures because of the added cruft of dealing with a monolothic codebase that nobody really understood anymore. That's my perspective..
Windows Media Player on top other DIV classid CLSID 6BF52A52 394A 11D3 B153 00C04F79FAA6 codebase http activex controls mplayer en
How can I dynamically add an <object> tag with JavaScript in IE? to function properly. id SomeId classid CLSID GUID codebase http MyCuteActivex.CAB#Version 2 0 0..
Which Stack Overflow-style Markdown (WMD) JavaScript editor should I use? MarkEdit. The wmd new version. Not sure looks like an old codebase without much use. The SocialSite branch . Seems like it's not..
Exclude debug javascript code during minification Starting process I'm spending some time cleaning up my codebase and would like to add hints like this to easily exclude debug..
Event not bubbling in some Browsers when clicked on Flash object classid clsid D27CDB6E AE6D 11cf 96B8 444553540000 codebase http get shockwave cabs flash
What are unit tests and why should I care? in isolation and test the smallest possible part of your codebase often individual classes or individual functions . If I give..
Javascript Best Practices into objects closures Take a look at YUI it's a huge codebase with only 2 global objects YAHOO and YAHOO_config Use the Module..
XSS - Which HTML Tags and Attributes can trigger Javascript Events? ImmutableSet.of action archive background cite classid codebase data dsync formaction href icon longdesc manifest poster profile..
Why would I want to use jQuery? your talent with theirs and contributing to the jQuery codebase. It's a melting pot of insane talent. share improve this answer..
Can I load an entire HTML document into a document fragment in Internet Explorer? any att data s any etag data object data cr applet any att codebase s any etag codebase applet codebase param name movie value cr.. data object data cr applet any att codebase s any etag codebase applet codebase param name movie value cr param any att name.. data cr applet any att codebase s any etag codebase applet codebase param name movie value cr param any att name s s ae movie any..
Javascript: REGEX to change all relative Urls to Absolute any att data s any data object data cr applet any att codebase s any codebase applet codebase param name movie value cr param.. s any data object data cr applet any att codebase s any codebase applet codebase param name movie value cr param any att name.. data cr applet any att codebase s any codebase applet codebase param name movie value cr param any att name s s ae movie any..
PhoneGap: Detect if running on desktop browser Build for a mobile version and want to have a single codebase for the 'desktop' and mobile versions. I want to be able to.. version of the app which defeats my goal of having one codebase. So far the only solution I have come up with is browser user..
Call An Asynchronous Javascript Function Synchronously to retrofit an asynchronous call into a very synchronous codebase that is many thousands of lines long and time doesn't currently..