javascript Programming Glossary: closure
How do JavaScript closures work? do JavaScript closures work Like the old Albert Einstein said If you can't explain.. understand it yourself. Well I tried to explain JavaScript closures to a 27 year old friend and completely failed. How would you.. to someone with a knowledge of the concepts which make up closures e.g. functions variables and the like but does not understand..
Javascript infamous Loop problem? quoted from here . As the author's explanation seems the closure makes the magic. But how it works and How closure makes it work.. the closure makes the magic. But how it works and How closure makes it work are all beyond my understanding. Why the first.. a detailed explanation about the magic thanks. javascript closures share improve this question Quoting myself for an explanation..
Difference between using var and not using var in JavaScript wibble 1 Local foo 2 Inherits from scope above creating a closure moo 3 Global If you're not doing an assignment then you need..
How to “properly” create a custom object in JavaScript? and instances in JavaScript the prototyping way and the closure way. Both have advantages and drawbacks and there are plenty.. and no one really agrees on one particular formula. The closure way then. This avoids the problems of JavaScript's prototype.. in general. With the prototype way you have to include a closure for every such assignment setTimeout function mycircle.move..
JavaScript Variable Scope object properties function Five this.a 5 Advanced closure var six function var foo 6 return function javascript closure.. var six function var foo 6 return function javascript closure means I have access to foo in here because it is defined in..
Javascript closure inside loops - simple practical example closure inside loops simple practical example Closures are one of those.. the solution to this basic problem javascript loops closures share improve this question Well the problem is that the..
How does “this” keyword work within a JavaScript object literal? that You define a variable that which points to this . Closure a topic all it's own keeps that around so if you call bar as..
jQuery compiled with Google Closure Compiler compiled with Google Closure Compiler Has anyone compiled jQuery against Google's newly.. Has anyone compiled jQuery against Google's newly released Closure compiler There has been reported huge savings in code size... to be worked out. I wouldn't use a jQuery compiled with Closure Compiler without making sure it passes the jQuery testbed. http..
What exactly does “closure” refer to in JavaScript? definition share improve this question From JavaScript Closures Two one sentence summaries A closure is the local variables.. on the stack A very good article on closures Javascript Closures A closure is an expression typically a function that can have.. that closes the expression . The simple explanation of a Closure is that ECMAScript allows inner functions function definitions..
How can I obfuscate JavaScript? maintained by the Yahoo UI team. You may also use Google Closure Compiler UglifyJS Private String Data Keeping string values..
Using DOMContentReady considered anti-pattern by Google considered anti pattern by Google A Google Closure library team member asserts that waiting for DOMContentReady..
Best JavaScript compressor [closed] share improve this question Google released Closure Compiler which seems to be generating the smallest files so..
Exclude debug javascript code during minification and YUI solutions. I'm really interested in the new Google Closure Compiler as it looks exceptionally powerful. I noticed that.. ways of accomplishing this I will probably start using Closure Compiler eventually. Is there anything I should do now that..
Client-side javascript to support promises, futures, etc find a solution that works well with jQuery or Google Closure Library but I'm open to any solution. Is it possible to use..
Empty for loop - for(;;) for loop for I was exploring the Google Closure Compiler and one thing I noticed was that it converts while..
JavaScript and CSS minimizer In terms of actual tools the most common are Google Closure Compiler Service Microsoft AJAX Minifier Yahoo's CSS Minifier..
Is JSON.parse supported by all major browsers? [duplicate] Just about any major library like jQuery Prototype YUI Closure or any of several others will also provide JSON parsing although..
Combine multiple JavaScript files into one JS file javascript files into the single one. It makes use of the Closure Compiler online service so the resulting script is also effectively..
What are some good css and js minimizers for production code? . jQuery has switched from the YUI Compressor to Google's Closure Compiler for the minified version that they distribute. share..
Listening for Youtube Event in JavaScript or jQuery YT_ready true Load YouTube Frame API function Closure to not leak to the scope var s document.createElement script..
How can jQuery behave like an object and a function? very rough demo to achieve the similar behaviour function Closure to not leak local variables to the global scope function f a..
obj.length === +obj.length in javascript that it can be compressed more by minifiers YUI Compressor Closure Compiler UglifyJS etc a.length a.length vs typeof a.length 'number'..
OO Javascript : Definitive explanation of variable scope instance of the x attribute attached to that scope object. Closure Now lets take this further function fnSequence var x 1 return..