javascript Programming Glossary: coercion
Validate numbers in JavaScript - IsNumeric() I couldn't make any type assumption taking care of type coercion eg. true 1 but true shouldn't be considered as numeric . I think..
typeof !== “undefined” vs. != null not going to break unexpectedly. And because of the type coercion of the operator this checks for both undefined and null... which..
Why `null >= 0 && null <= 0` but not `null == 0`? is that the Greater than or equal Operator performs type coercion ToPrimitive with a hint type of Number actually all the relational.. All other values you mention are subject to numeric type coercion all of them coerce to zero. You can see the inner details of..
Javascript String Equality… What's the correct way? operator can have very unexpected results due to the type coercion internally so using is always the recommended approach. For..
JSLint Expected '===' and instead saw '==' string with a string literal... Or when you know the type coercion rules for example check if something is null or undefined something..
What's the reason to use === instead of == with typeof in Javascript? over if you're comparing to true or false and you want coercion for example you want 0 or '' to evaluate to false then just.. throws invalid argument in IE7-8-9b
Javascript primitive types and corresponding objects
undefined and null result. I only use when I have a specific purpose for type coercion. See Abstract Equality Comparison Algorithm . share improve..
JavaScript performance difference between double equals (`==`) and triple equals (`===`) to prefer if you know for certain that you don't need type coercion in the comparison. It will always be at least as fast as . ..
javascript surprising array comparison one even if the elements are numbers because of the string coercion . Basically comparing arrays is not recommended. It is implicitly..