javascript Programming Glossary: collection
How do I “think in AngularJS” if I have a jQuery background? lines of code that they then glue into AngularJS with a collection of callbacks and apply s that are confusing and convoluted but.. your tests still pass. w00t So if directives aren't just collections of jQuery like functions what are they Directives are actually..
How do I select text nodes with jQuery? to get all descendant text nodes of an element as a jQuery collection. What is the best way to do that javascript jquery dom share..
Sequencing ajax requests ajax requests I find I sometimes need to iterate some collection and make an ajax call for each element. I want each call to.. have a clever design pattern for how to neatly work thru a collection making ajax calls for each item javascript jquery ajax design..
When to use Vanilla JavaScript vs. jQuery? to get its text content this.rows against a table to get a collection of tr elements this.cells against a tr to get its cells td th..
Does JavaScript Guarantee Object Property Order? object is a member of the type Object. It is an unordered collection of properties each of which contains a primitive value object..
JavaScript query string realm Why isn't broken into a key value collection EDIT I have written my own function but does any major JavaScript..
Calling dynamic function with dynamic parameters in Javascript how to pass optional unlimited parameters using arguments collection inside mainfunc but I can't figure how to send an arbitrary..
Deleting Objects in JavaScript was done in Safari 4. javascript pointers delete garbage collection object share improve this question The delete operator deletes..
What is JavaScript garbage collection? is JavaScript garbage collection What is JavaScript garbage collection What's important for.. JavaScript garbage collection What is JavaScript garbage collection What's important for a web programmer to understand about JavaScript.. a web programmer to understand about JavaScript garbage collection in order to write better code javascript garbage collection..
Is it correct to use JavaScript Array.sort() method for shuffling? the shuffle algorithm which effectively partitions the collection into shuffled at the start of the collection initially empty.. the collection into shuffled at the start of the collection initially empty and unshuffled the rest of the collection ... collection initially empty and unshuffled the rest of the collection . At each step of the algorithm pick a random unshuffled element..
Saving jQuery UI Sortable's order to Backbone.js Collection jQuery UI Sortable's order to Backbone.js Collection I have a Backbone.js collection that I would like to be able.. order of items by id is sent to the server to store state. Collection Application.Collection.Items Backbone.Collection.extend model.. sent to the server to store state. Collection Application.Collection.Items Backbone.Collection.extend model Application.Model.Item..
How can I add a two column unique id to the mongodb in a meteor app? point mongod at the db dir inside .meteor . I have tried Collection.ensureIndex first_id 1 another_id 1 unique true variations... will come soon. And looking at the methods available on a Collection there's no ensureIndex . You can run meteor mongo for a mongo.. a mongo shell and enable the indexes server side but the Collection object still won't know about them. So the app will let you..
Backbone.js: how to unbind from events, on model remove the house this.get 'name' burglarName var Users Backbone.Collection.extend model User var House Backbone.Model.extend initialize.. remove event is not a solution due it is not called in a Collection.reset call then we have two solutions 1. Overwrite normal Collection.. call then we have two solutions 1. Overwrite normal Collection cleanUp As @dira sais here you can overwrite Collection._removeReference..
JavaScript Collection of one-line Useful Functions Collection of one line Useful Functions This is a question to put as many..
What is the purpose of backbone.js? with rails part 2 p.s. There is also this wonderfull Collection class that lets you deal with collections of models and mimic..
jQuery Mobile rendering problems with content being added after the page is initialized dynamic radio buttons which are generated from a Backbone Collection . These radio buttons I want to style up using what jQuery Mobile..
Can I instantiate a superclass and have a particular subclass be instantiated based on the parameters supplied Gson gson new Gson Type collectionType new TypeToken Collection QueryProperty .getType Collection QueryProperty queryProperties.. new TypeToken Collection QueryProperty .getType Collection QueryProperty queryProperties gson.fromJson query collectionType..
Understanding the internal structural dependencies of MVC in Backbone.js dependencies when designing your MVC so we have a Model Collection and View I'm not using controllers as yet but the question applies.. rendered by a view Displays the data Model Model & Collection Represents the data handles data access The model layer should.. on type of relationship State MainRouter Data ItemCollection ItemModel Control api items api items ..
How to quickly clear a Javascript Object? creation of new objects leads to problems with Garbage Collection on IE6. As described here javascript performance json share..
Get value from AJAX using Javascript and ASP you will have the querystring variables in the QueryString Collection of the Request Object. Could work like this on the server side..
get values on server-side sent with [duplicate] you will have the querystring variables in the QueryString Collection of the Request Object. Could work like this on the server side..
About closure, LexicalEnvironment and GC engine handles such object graph when executing Garbage Collection. Thanks. javascript garbage collection closures share improve..
How to build a Collection/Model from nested JSON with Backbone.js to build a Collection Model from nested JSON with Backbone.js I'm relativly new to.. get the point How can i convert this JSON to Backbone.js Collections Models I update with a code but it dont work like expected.. Backbone.Model.extend defaults title path window.CustomCollection Backbone.Collection.extend model initModel window.Init Backbone.Model.extend..
What does it mean global namespace would be polluted? share improve this question Quick Note On Garbage Collection As variables lose scope they will be eligible for garbage collection...