javascript Programming Glossary: clean
How to create a GUID / UUID in Javascript? 2007 05 27 javascript guid generator after some clean up for clarity's sake function s4 return Math.floor 1 Math.random..
Alert when browser window closed accidentally closes the browser he should get an alert so that various clean up operations could be carried out. I have more thing i itried..
How to build simple jQuery image slider with sliding or opacity effect? that complex to build from beginning. What is a simple and clean way to build jQuery image slider javascript jquery css animation..
What is the best way to add options to a select from an array with jQuery? ' option value ' key ' ' selectValues key ' option ' A clean simple solution This is a cleaned up and simplified version.. key ' option ' A clean simple solution This is a cleaned up and simplified version of matdumsa's .each selectValues..
Validate numbers in JavaScript - IsNumeric() numbers in JavaScript IsNumeric What's the cleanest most effective way to validate decimal numbers in JavaScript.. in JavaScript Bonus points for Clarity. Solution should be clean and simple. Cross platform. Test cases 01. IsNumeric ' 1' true..
Preserving a reference to “this” in JavaScript prototype functions at the beginning of each one Seems like there should be a cleaner way. And what about a situation like this MyClass function.. interfering with each other. Any suggestions Is there a clean way to do what I'm after Or is my entire design pattern flawed..
JavaScript get clipboard data on paste event (Cross browser) when I paste new text all formatting is lost. I want to clean just the text that is pasted and leave any previous formatting..
iframe shimming or ie6 (and below) select z-index bug found the iframe shim solution but i wanted some pretty clean alternatives or better yet has anyone found a better solution..
Why does canvas.toDataURL() throw a security exception? the toDataURL method of a canvas element whose origin clean flag is set to false is called the method must raise a SECURITY_ERR..
Exclude debug javascript code during minification console.log Starting process I'm spending some time cleaning up my codebase and would like to add hints like this to easily.. Because I haven't chosen how to minify yet I'd like to clean the code in a way that is compatible with whatever minifier..
How do I get the name of an object's type in JavaScript? the instanceof operator... The instanceof operator is a clean way of testing object type as well but has its own potential..
Javascript/jquery to download file via POST with JSON data downloadable files store them somewhere then periodically clean up that storage area. There must be a simpler way to accomplish..
JSlint error 'Don't make functions within a loop.' leads to question about Javascript itself functions within a loop.' I like to keep my code JSLint clean. I know I can move the anonymous function out of the loop and..
Help parsing ISO 8601 date in Javascript 28 2011 7 30PM EST I'd like to keep this solution as clean and minimal as possible. If you need anything else please let..
UserScripts & Greasemonkey: calling a website's JavaScript functions script run the script document.body.removeChild script clean up It's simple to use exec function return Grooveshark.playNextSong.. script run the script document.body.removeChild script clean up window.addEventListener load function script injection exec..
Simple example doesn't work on JSFiddle the handler this way instead of inline keeps your HTML clean. I'm using jQuery but you could do it with with or without a..
Tool to Unminify / Decompress JavaScript [closed] the effects of minification similar to how Tidy can clean up horrific HTML I'm specifically looking to unminify a minified..
What's the best way to reload an iframe using JavaScript? set the iframe src attribute to itself but this isn't very clean. Any ideas javascript iframe share improve this question..
How to include a JavaScript file in another JavaScript file? can load the script even from a foreign server and it's clean as you use the browser parser to evaluate the code. You can..
Open a new Google Chrome tab and get the source tabId file chrome.extension.getURL 'get_source.js' Clean up chrome.tabs.onRemoved.addListener function tabId delete rememberTab..
How to create a Web Worker from a string helper.js self.onmessage function e self.onmessage null Clean up eval Usage var worker new Worker 'Worker helper.js'..
What is the PastryKit Framework? n of it was over 1 200 lines. On the CSS side I used Clean CSS on again what I assume to be the framework CSS and it came.. returns undefined in chrome extension document.removeEventListener event_name localName Clean up Your logic Backbone.history.navigate 'index' true Method..
Populating child dropdownlists in JSP/Servlet ' callingElement .val function opts ' option' dd .remove Clean old options first. if opts .each opts function key value ..
Embeddable Google Analytics “Flair”? just to put in the API key login data to get started. Clean code and PHP 5 OOP would be a plus. php javascript google analytics..
Clean Microsoft Word Pasted Text using JavaScript Microsoft Word Pasted Text using JavaScript I am using a 'contenteditable'..
UIWebView doesn't load external Javascript file already for testing. Go to the Build menu in Xcode and Clean all Targets. Then recompile. Check now to see if your HTML file..
Javascript communication between browser tabs/windows text name message size 30 value input type reset value Clean form script type text javascript function setCookie value document.cookie..
Clean way to remove element from javascript array (with jQuery, coffeescript) way to remove element from javascript array with jQuery coffeescript..
HTML5 File API crashes Chrome when using readAsDataURL to load a selected image img.onload function e window.URL.revokeObjectURL img.src Clean up after yourself. img.src window.URL.createObjectURL file document.body.appendChild..
xcode 4 + phonegap … not update JS upon build? clicking the menu command which turns the command from Clean to Clean Build Folder... and this caused my assets to be refreshed... the menu command which turns the command from Clean to Clean Build Folder... and this caused my assets to be refreshed. ..
Appending multiple parameters/arguments to a jsonp callback function real_callback response arg delete window callback_name Clean up after ourselves. return callback_name Once you have something..
Clean old options from child dropdown when receiving data by JSON old options from child dropdown when receiving data by JSON..
retrieve more than one value by JSON array objects var dropdown2 '#combo1' ' option' dropdown2 .remove Clean old options first. if options .each opts function key value..