javascript Programming Glossary: classname.split
Array-like object in javascript a split function since SVG className does not. if typeof className.split 'function' goog.array.contains className.split ' ' opt_class.. if typeof className.split 'function' goog.array.contains className.split ' ' opt_class arrayLike len el arrayLike.length len return arrayLike..
jqGrid: change background color of row based on row cell value by column name row.className isPosted false if .inArray 'jqgrow' className.split ' ' 0 row .hasClass 'jqgrow' if iCol 0 isPosted row.cells.. s g if isPosted if .inArray 'jqgrid postedrow' className.split ' ' 1 row.className className ' jqgrid postedrow' row.cells.. iRow className row.className if .inArray 'jqgrow' className.split ' ' 0 var x row.cells iCol .children input checked if x.length..
something similar to treegrid in jqGrid iRow className row.className if .inArray 'jqgrow' className.split ' ' 0 row .hasClass 'jqgrow' if row.cells iCol .title false.. i identify isEqual's value if .inArray 'myAltRowClass' className.split ' ' 1 row.className className ' myAltRowClass' javascript..