javascript Programming Glossary: arabic
regular expression For Arabic Language expression For Arabic Language I want to write regular expression that match each.. works well with English Words. It does not work when using Arabic words. How could I accomplish the same feat for Arabic words.. Arabic words. How could I accomplish the same feat for Arabic words javascript regex share improve this question Try..
Where to add the UTF-8 extension in the HTML page? using jQuery plugin for doing translation from English to Arabic. I have an HTML page in which as stated in the above part of.. it to server side. I changed my computer input language to Arabic and my Mozilla firefox locale to Arabic. I am able to enter.. input language to Arabic and my Mozilla firefox locale to Arabic. I am able to enter the English values in mysql and I am able..
How to check if any Arabic character exists in the string ( javascript ) to check if any Arabic character exists in the string javascript How to check if any.. exists in the string javascript How to check if any Arabic character exists in the string with javascript language javascript.. share improve this question According to Wikipedia Arabic characters fall in the Unicode range 0600 06FF. So you can use..
What Cross-Browser issues have you faced? [closed] by name when using getElementBy Id . When in an RTL locale Arabic Hebrew etc. Firefox implements text align right incorrectly...
Locale aware number conversion in JavaScript plugin should translate numerals into their local glyphs. Arabic ٤٣٢١ 1234 Indic Telugu Hindi ౧౨౩౪ౠ१२३४ॠ12345 PS My requirement.. a simple function like this one for the translation from Arabic numerals function translateNumerals input target var systems.. 2662 nagari 2534 gujarati 2790 zero 48 char code for Arabic zero nine 57 char code for Arabic nine offset systems target.toLowerCase..
use text-align smartly (if english dir=ltr if arabic dir=rtl) text align smartly if english dir ltr if arabic dir rtl I have a community web site and I want that users write..
Include Arabic characters in JavaScript regular expression? characters. I've had a request to allow the script to use arabic characters aswell. How would i do this Heres my current code.. underscores or dashes are allowed. javascript regex arabic share improve this question Via this site you can easily..
Numbers localization in Web applications Hybrid Solution Create new DOM elements with the arabic content hide the old elements but leave their ids and content.. but leave their ids and content intact. Synchronize the arabic content elements with their corresponding hidden elements. Let's..
How to check if any Arabic character exists in the string ( javascript ) if the string contains any character in this range var arabic u0600 u06FF var string 'عرب ة some Arabic string from Wikipedia..
finding “line-breaks” in textarea that is word-wrapping ARABIC text width representation because I have a very complex arabic font that is actually composed of glyphs characters of numerous..
Locale aware number conversion in JavaScript function translateNumerals input source target var systems arabic 48 devanagari 2406 tamil 3046 kannada 3302 telugu 3174 marathi.. output.join Sample outputs translateNumerals 0123456789 arabic malayalam ൦൧൨൩൪൫൬àµàµ®àµ¯ translateNumerals ൦൧൨൩൪൫൬àµàµ®àµ¯.. translateNumerals ൦൧൨൩൪൫൬àµàµ®àµ¯ malayalam arabic 0123456789 translateNumerals ൦൧൨൩൪൫൬àµàµ®àµ¯ malayalam kannada..