javascript Programming Glossary: appview
router.js Function not executed if it's related to the error above require 'app' function AppView AppView.initialize I did a console.Log after Router.initialize.. related to the error above require 'app' function AppView AppView.initialize I did a console.Log after Router.initialize at app.js..
Backbone.View “el” confusion to the model elements in the el of every view inserted by AppView below click someFunctionThatDoesSomething initialize function.. this.template this.model.toJSON return this window.AppView Backbone.View.extend el #someElementID Here we actually grab..
Understanding the internal structural dependencies of MVC in Backbone.js is created by default. So you can guess why TodoView and AppView use different approaches. The #todoapp element exists initially.. element exists initially on the page in the HTML so AppView can just use it. But when a view for a todo item is created.. ^ ^ v v Page level AboutView AppView views section section role main role main ..
Backbone.js View can't unbind events properly to unbind it after clicked the code sample as below var AppView Backbone.View.extend el #app view initialize function _.bindAll.. do something... this. .button .unbind click var view new AppView However the unbind is not working I tried several different.. undelegate So your code should look like var AppView Backbone.View.extend el #app view initialize function _.bindAll..
Disposing of view and model objects in Backbone.js another example of a very simple backbone app that uses an AppView a backbone view that runs the main portion of the app here http..
Backbone JS: can one view trigger updates in other views? else this.el .removeClass 'selected' return this var AppView Backbone.View.extend ...some code... delete_selected function.. should not be directly talking to other views. So how can AppView know that something is being selected in BrandViews And more.. is being selected in BrandViews And more specifically I AppView to know how many items were selected so if more than 1 is selected..