java Programming Glossary: x509
Using HTTPS with REST in Java trust this cert and point to a .cert file java rest ssl x509 share improve this question When you say is there an easier..
How can I have multiple SSL certificates for a Java server if certs null certs.length 0 return null X509Certificate x509 new X509Certificate certs.length for int i 0 i certs.length.. X509Certificate certs.length for int i 0 i certs.length i x509 i X509Certificate certs i return x509 catch Exception e return.. 0 i certs.length i x509 i X509Certificate certs i return x509 catch Exception e return null public String chooseServerAlias..
Mutual-authentication with web services Create the CA mkdir ca server client cd ca openssl req new x509 days 3650 extensions v3_ca keyout ca.key out ca.pem echo 02.. keyout server server.key out server server.req openssl x509 extensions usr_cert extfile C testbed OpenSSL Win32 bin openssl.cfg.. keyout client client1.key out client client1.req openssl x509 extensions usr_cert extfile C testbed OpenSSL Win32 bin openssl.cfg..
How to extract CN from X509Certificate in Java? parsing the String myself Best regards Martin java ssl x509certificate x509 share improve this question Here's some.. myself Best regards Martin java ssl x509certificate x509 share improve this question Here's some code for the new..
How to create a BKS (BouncyCastle) format Java Keystore that contains a client certificate chain cacert.pem client.pem keytool import v file openssl x509 in client.pem alias client keystore clientkeystore provider..
How to connect to a secure website using SSL in Java with a pkcs12 file? clcerts Now converted the cert PEM file to der openssl.exe x509 in c cert.txt outform DER out c CAcert.der Now adding the der..
Converting a Java Keystore into PEM Format bash keytool keystore foo.jks exportcert alias foo openssl x509 inform der text Enter keystore password asdasd Certificate Data.. pass phrase Verifying Enter PEM pass phrase bash openssl x509 text in foo.pem Certificate Data Version 3 0x2 Serial Number.. file keytool keystore foo.jks exportcert alias foo openssl x509 inform der text openssl x509 text in foo.pem openssl dsa text..
Getting RSA private key from PEM BASE64 Encoded private key file Thanks in advance. java cryptography certificate x509 pkcs#8 share improve this question You've just published..
Apple MDM Vendor CSR Signing be read by program as the PushCertCertificateChain openssl x509 inform der in AppleWWDRCA.cer out chain.pem As a vendor following..
importing an existing x509 certificate and private key in Java keystore to use in ActiveMQ ssl context an existing x509 certificate and private key in Java keystore to use in ActiveMQ.. trustStorePassword password sslContext I have a pair of x509 cert and a key file How do I import those two to be used in..