java Programming Glossary: x0
How to make a simple program to call R from java using eclipse and Rserve d c.eval rnorm 10 .asDoubles org.rosuda.REngine.REXP x0 c.eval R.version.string System.out.println x0.asString catch.. x0 c.eval R.version.string System.out.println x0.asString catch REngineException e manipulation share improve..
creating 10.000 connected hexagon page? g g.drawString CENTER posX posY System.out.print xO x0 for int i 0 i n i double v i angle 6 2 Math.PI 360 15 x i posX..
Drawing a line with arrow in Java load_y0 40 double Math.abs wa1 g.drawLine int double x0 x1 x_scale int load_y int double x0 x1 x_scale int load_y.. g.drawLine int double x0 x1 x_scale int load_y int double x0 x1 x_scale int load_y wa1 y_scale 1 g.drawLine int double.. x_scale int load_y wa1 y_scale 1 g.drawLine int double x0 x1 e1 x_scale int load_y int double x0 x1 e1 x_scale int..
Draw arc with 2 points and center of the circle it needs Lets say that the center of the circle is x0 y0 and that the arc contains your two points x1 y1 and x2 y2.. two points x1 y1 and x2 y2 . Then the radius is r sqrt x1 x0 x1 x0 y1 y0 y1 y0 . So int r int Math.sqrt x1 x0 x1 x0 y1 y0.. x1 y1 and x2 y2 . Then the radius is r sqrt x1 x0 x1 x0 y1 y0 y1 y0 . So int r int Math.sqrt x1 x0 x1 x0 y1 y0 y1 y0..
drawing a simple line graph in Java hatch marks for y axis. for int i 0 i Y_HATCH_CNT i int x0 BORDER_GAP int x1 GRAPH_POINT_WIDTH BORDER_GAP int y0 getHeight.. BORDER_GAP 2 Y_HATCH_CNT BORDER_GAP int y1 y0 g2.drawLine x0 y0 x1 y1 and for x axis for int i 0 i scores.size 1 i int x0.. y0 x1 y1 and for x axis for int i 0 i scores.size 1 i int x0 i 1 getWidth BORDER_GAP 2 scores.size 1 BORDER_GAP int x1 x0..