

java Programming Glossary: tier

Difference between DTO, VO, POJO, JavaBeans?


into the DTOs before returning control to the presentation tier. So for many people DTOs and VOs are the same thing but Fowler..

Lazy/Eager loading strategies in remoting cases (JPA)


LazyInitializationException and make a call to the server tier for the data requested. Just as the previous one but make proxies..

initialize java HashSet values by construction


Do Hibernate table classes need to be Serializable?


need detached entities to be sent over the wire to another tier to be migrated to another cluster node to be stored in the HTTP..

Difference between Java SE/EE/ME?


functionality to deploy fault tolerant distributed multi tier Java software based largely on modular components running on..

How to avoid Java Code in JSP-Files?


design pattern to reduce coupling between the presentation tier from the business logic JSP scriptlets should not be used for..

How can I protect MySQL username and password from decompiling?


use this case in a secure way. Correct Case Using a multi tier architecture The correct way to do it is to have a middle layer.. would allow access to the middle layer the business logic tier and would be different for each user. Every user would have.. file without any security risk. This is called a three tier architecture the tiers being your database server business logic..

What strategy do you use for package naming in Java projects and why?


you could have the following layers in your application tier from top to bottom presentation layer generates the UI that.. layer generates the UI that will be shown in the client tier application layer contains logic that is specific to an application.. stateless integration layer provides access to the backend tier db jms email ... For the resulting package layout these are..

Have I implemented a n-tier application with MVC correctly?


I implemented a n tier application with MVC correctly Being pretty unfamiliar with.. is designed. I've switched between thinking it's a pure n tier pure MVC and n tier with MVC in the presentation layer. Currently.. between thinking it's a pure n tier pure MVC and n tier with MVC in the presentation layer. Currently I think the latter..

Create ticket in BMC Remedy via Java


Name br newEntry.put 200000003 new Value xyz Product Cat Tier 1 br newEntry.put 240001002 new Value xyz Product Cat Tier 2.. Tier 1 br newEntry.put 240001002 new Value xyz Product Cat Tier 2 br newEntry.put 200000005 new Value xyz Product Cat Tier 3.. Tier 2 br newEntry.put 200000005 new Value xyz Product Cat Tier 3 br newEntry.put 1000000063 new Value xyz Operational Cat Tier..

Is there a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) data type in Java, and should I use it?


information to external clients i.e. the Presentation Tier of a Java based Power Monitoring Control app. There are also..

Have I implemented a n-tier application with MVC correctly?


case there's very little business logic required. Data Tier The stored procedures aren't really part of the data tier code...